Long live the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front
“Lightning never travels in straight repetitive lines. It breaks out
suddenly. Even an apparent ‘silence’ is not a retreat, but the calmness
before the storm…”
The imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF
for the imprisoned anarchists

spanish: Llamamiento internacional de CCF/ Federación Anarquista Informal
FRENCH : Proposition, de la Conspiration des Cellules de Feu
À tous-tes les prisonniers-ères anarchistes :
Προς τους φυλακισμένους αναρχικούς.
(de) Internationaler Appell der Verschwörung der Zellen des Feuers VZF/Informelle Anarchistische Föderation
Monday, May 7, 2012
Greece – Disciplinary transfer of Olga Economidou to Diavata prisons 6/5/12
Her transportation took place within the frames of a disciplinary transfer imposed on her, because of her attitude and her decency which could not be tolerated from the Thebes prison service.
When they took her to Diavata prisons, she refused to be submitted to the procedure of the humiliating body search resulting to the comrade now being alone in a newcomer’s cell. She has refused to enter Diavata prisons asking to be transferred elsewhere, while at the same time in her cell there is a cctv camera which has already been covered twice from Olga causing the reaction of the prison guards.
Saturday 28/4 Fires on the horizon / Arson attacks in Kifissia Athens.
Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!
Fires on the horizon / Arson attacks in Kifissia Athens.
“As an objective of force, the policy is practised having before its eyes
a possibility of exacerbation and violence. Behind the policy hovers the
image of violence and war, precisely behind all limited violence hovers
the image of blind violence.
The beginning of intelligence means the end of blind aggressiveness, that
is to say the intellect is imposed on the instincts that require their
direct discharge into violence, it channels them according to their aims
and it puts in action more drastic means to exercise violence. As soon as
this is realised violence enters the service of the objective of force.
The combinational of force presents much more nuances than the coarse-cut
mechanics of violence, allows numerous variants and exits and mainly next
to the fight between enemies it creates the GAME BETWEEN FRIENDS, which
makes the strong one capable to cause assertions against the more
Hunger strikes and the prospect of a fighting community within the walls.
Last month 2 separate hunger strikes were carried out by anarchist
prisoners, where one of them did not succeed and the other one won. Some
of the comrades who went on hunger strike had put a very strong target to
achieve. The creation of a fighting circle, which aim at the search of
common fields of definition between prisoners. A circle which will connect
with the outside the walls incidents breaking the isolation, giving images
of revolts with fires from the streets of the city to the rooftops of the
Despite all this such a prospect with the current facts seems far away.
The split which emerges within the walls, only contributes to the
shredding of the fighting circle and the internalization of a partition.
To show demands that have such a common axis competitively reduces rather
than accentuates our common struggle. The cohesion of the fighting base is
a one-way road for the creation of a collective. More specifically, if the
anarchist hostages carried out the hunger strike under a common prism,
they would have given the chance to more prisoners to stand by them in
solidarity with various actions, but the hunger strike instead of getting
stronger with time was weakened resulting in the ending of one. As well
the acceptance of defeat is an action that is honest but the hunger strike
is the last weapon in the prisoners struggle and a use of it that will
bring an unexpected interruption and defeat, weakens its power.
“Knock it back, to the Queen whose buttocks cascade in folds! Listen to
the working of stupid tearing hiccups!
Listen to them leaping in the fiery night
The panting idiots, the aged, the nonentities, the lackeys!
Syphilitics, madmen, kings, puppets, ventriloquists,
What can you matter to Paris the whore,
Your souls or your bodies, your poisons or your rags?
She’ll shake you off, you pox-rotten snarlers!
And when you are down, whimpering on your bellies,
Your sides wrung, clamouring for your money back, distracted,
The red harlot with her breasts swelling with battles
Will clench her hard fists, far removed from your stupor!”
On Saturday 28/4 we attacked a block in the area of Kifissia burning the
parked cars of Levitou street, luxurious and not.
It was a move in solidarity to the hunger strikes carried out by the
imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire and Anarchist
Theofilos Mavropoulos demanding the final transfer of guerrillas
G.Tsakalos and P.Argirou to Koridalos as well as the ceasing of the
vengeful transfers. (something they achieved with persistence).
This action has a clear aim and target to hurt the calmness of the rich
suburbs of the capital. It was a first approach to the well-fed of Kifisia
reminding them that their parasitical life will get the punishment it
deserves. We notify them that nothing will insure them from our morbid
imagination, no matter how many outposts they build, how many courtier
bouncers they hire. They will always be exposed to our aggressive
appetites. Their prosperity is gained by the exploitation of others and
they will pay for this decision sooner or later. No matter how much they
might be cut off from the miserable and enclaved like a prison urban
landscape, no matter how far they have gone the inhumane Athens, the
distance remains small compared to the stubbornness of revenge. Thus at
some point while they will be drinking their coffee with their vulgar
snobbish look, they will receive a visit from many of us, and with the
smile of a donator we will return the perversion they gave to us with a
bullet in the forehead.
Social Responsibilities and the ineffectual of the monothematic Class
Capitalistic societies are based on inequality and this is what they owe
their existence to. A ride with the train would be enough for anyone to
understand the massive social contradictions. The contradictive
coexistence of wealth and poverty, dozing certainty and stressful
survival. An exhaustive hierarchy maintained by ignorance, fear, stupidity
and oppression. For the perpetual accumulation of the wealth to the few
however many are to blame who let it go out of their hands without a
battle and we cannot sacrifice the immaturity to the altar of coquetry.
Every person who considers themselves as weak is charged with their
submission. We do not synchronize with the endurance and tolerance in
exploitation, whether personal or of others, but with every way we will
pursuit its expulsion from the behaviours of people in the relations
created without humanisms.
Therefore we recognize our attack as an act with class characteristics but
not with a class character. It is obvious who we turn our aggressiveness
to, what kind of people. But despite all this we are not representatives
of a class total neither are we messengers of a class conscience. We do
not mediate for anyone just like we do not want a mediator. We are
individualists since what we say write and do are not hiding behind them a
divine will and we are not armed by a global secret conscience, but our
passion for freedom. To believe that deep in the desires of every
oppressed existence there is common destination are stupid thoughts which
idealize the situations, ignoring the difficulties of the liberating
struggle. Whoever recognizes the anarchist revolution as a deductive
procedure and a will from the skies which will be planted in the heads of
the people because of poverty is condemned to never attribute what they
This is why we realize the collectivisations of people which are based on
their common class characteristics as clouds which even if they rain they
will always hide the sun. A unification of people who belong to the same
economic and social layer, under a predetermined revolutionary future is a
hasty deposition of hope. The class and economic situation is not a womb
of revolution, but one more possibility, a faze just like many others
which will present themselves on your path and will make you deny your
life and that of those around you, as it is.
The material lacks, the squalid economic situation, the 8hour shift are
violent and annihilating conditions which push to a reaction. However the
continuous invocations to the workers-proletarians and their elevation to
a revolutionary force is a theoretical analyses and a propagating
targeting which failed in the past and will fail in the future since it
limits the reasoning approach for the revolution in the narrow limits of
the economic need.
Every insurrectional attempt of the revolted based solely on the material
poverty of the masses can create an economic system with a fairer
distribution of production (for as long as it lasts), but it will not
destroy the hierarchy of people, the alienation, the tyranny of the
specialists and the smarter, since we would not have revolted for the
abolishment of impositions on our lives.
Our attacks are connected with the global network of guerrilla attempts of
the Informal Anarchist Federation.
Finally concerning the upcoming elections with the conscious absence and
the factual juxtaposition with the regime we go against every authority
and those who tolerate it. In the maze of democracy and the confusion of
the voters we produce explosions spreading our chaos
“-Society, and everything, is restored: – the orgies
Are weeping with dry sobs in the old brothels:
And on the reddened walls, the gaslights in frenzy,
Flare balefully upwards to the wan blue skies!”
Informal Anarchist Federation- Fires on the Horizon

Translated by boubourAs/Act for freedom now!
“A battle has been won but the war does not end here…”
After 23 days of hunger strike, we come out as winners against the corruption, defeatism and captivity that dominate in the world of prisoners.
We wrote: “We made a decision… we fight till the end…” We stood consistent to this choice of ours even when we saw our brothers Gerasimos and Panagiotis leave and be hospitalized in a bad condition at Tzanio hospital. Because from all that is written, we love what is written with blood and sealed with actions.All the rest is hollow babbles and a waste of time.
These 23 days we did not regret the hunger strike even for a moment. We knew the risk. We know everyone dies… but there are deaths that weigh differently, because we ourselves decide the way we will die, just as we choose the way we live. And we decided to come out of this battle as winners.
Gerasimos and Panagiotis won their final transfer from Domokos prisons. Gerasimos got transferred to Koridallos prisons and Panagiotis because he is considered a long term convict (he is sentenced to 37 years) and could not come to a prison such as Koridallos (a prison mainly for people who are waiting to be judged), won a transfer to a prison of his “choice” and will be transferred to Trikala prisons where three other members of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire are also being held.
This victory puts in its own way another pledge in our aim for political coexistence of the members of the CCF within the walls and abolishes the isolation they try to impose on us.In this confrontation opposite the system, time and fatigue, we put our bodies as a barricade and as a pawn of our decency. That’s why we did not plead, neither did we beg for solidarity in the places we avoided to hang out during our course as anarchists of praxis.
We stayed clear of leftist parties, from press conferences with a humane background, from reformist circles. Choosing thus a conscious loneliness we counted friends and enemies, comrades and indifferent, actions and silences… We do not have spare words for the small time politicians and the meaningless.
On the contrary the word “thankyou” is very poor for the comrades from the whole of greece who ran, gave out flyers, put up posters, set up PA systems, organized gatherings, occupied a tv station, they came with a demo by the prisons, carried out counter-information actions from radio stations…
Finally we send our warmest hug to all those vandals, the hooded ones, the provocateurs, the night time arsonists and bombers in Greece, the anarchist nihilists in Spain, our brothers in Bolivia, England and to all the cells of the Informal Anarchist Federation and of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire…
Nothing would be the same, without all of you…
May we meet soon comrades. Although we won, we have nothing more to do than start the next battle.
And anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos
Our Lives of Burning Vision – About the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire & more
Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras present a 68 page publication about the most recent situations and events connected with the Revolutionary Organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and their 17 January International Solidarity Call for an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global).
Free PDF – Paper copies available in single copies or bundles (10x = £20 + postage) from 325.nostate.net or from the radical distros which carry 325 magazine. Benefit for CCF prisoners and accused of the same case – Nonprofit.
“In the chaos of our own existence we are a part of the imponderable element which organizes subversion, plans mutinies, that leave even ourselves dazed. The translation of texts, letters, communiqués, etc. so that comrades in other countries around the world can read about the desires and ideas and projectuality of the comrades in Greece, is one more weapon at our disposal. What began as a simple desire and a challenge, has brought us into a new field of experiences, acquaintances and responsibilities. Now that we’re here, they will not get rid of us easily.
We have become another aspect of the asymmetric threat. The war to the end, has already begun. …”
This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionary insurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires, whether it’s through the letters-texts of our fighting comrades who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy or through the actions of the comrades outside in the streets day and night with all means untilsocial liberation for Anarchy.
Actforfreedomnow - Boubouras
March 2011
From the introduction by Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras.
A huge storm of revolt raged through the streets of Greece in December 2008. After the 15 year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered in coldblood by a cop, riots spread throughout the whole country for several weeks. Hundreds of corporate and government targets were attacked, plundered and set on fire. Although it was anarchists and anti-authoritarians who took the lead in this storm during the first week after the murder, it spread itself fast and many people got involved in this revolt against miserable living conditions, against the authorities and against the hopelessness offered by this world to the exploited and oppressed. But the revolt didn’t cease at the end of 2008, neither did it start on the day of the murder. The attacks against the structures of State and Capital went on and spread to several smaller towns in Greece.
About 180 fire attacks and, since a couple of months, artisan [‘homemade’] bombing attacks were carried out under the name of ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’. The attacks targeted banks, car dealers, shopping centres, governmental institutions, police stations, offices of political parties, houses of politicians, judges, criminologists, journalists, private security firms and companies building prisons,… and always accompanied by elegantly critical and nihilistic claims of anarchist responsibility.
The claims did not only criticize Capital, State and Authority (in all of their aspects), but also the resignation of the exploited, their herd mentality, their collaboration with the system. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) refuse to regard oppression and exploitation as simply being imposed by batons and blackmail, but understand it as a social relation in which all have their responsibility –and make or don’t make the choice to fight against it.
In September 2009 extensive anti-terror raids attempted to strike the CCF, these raids became one more political tool to attack the wider anarchist & anti-authoritarian movement, a situation which intensified when two members of the CCF were captured during an operation in November 2010, Athens. Against the ongoing legalistic kidnapping of our comrades and for the escalation of struggle for total liberation, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Illegal Sector called for an informal global project based on anarchist subversion, direct action and international solidarity. These papers document some of the many communiques, letters and legal & court updates concerning the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the accused comrades of the same case, plus solidarity actions resulting from the call for a formation of an Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front.
Whilst this publication can of course only offer a partial view upon the situation and topics, it is produced in the spirit of rebellion which fuels the total war against domination. It is an unfinished document that seeks collaboration through acts of refusal. The international call which has been circulated for the subversive formation of an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global), which is based on the principles of international solidarity, permanent subversion and constant conflict should be discussed, debated and acted upon without delay.
Dedicated to:
Anonymous Editions / Anti-Copyright Network
March 2011 / NET-DIY
“Paths change, times change,
Ways change, but the aim is the same.
This is our fate, to fight and resist.
To fight and fall down, to fall down and win.”
Solidarity to all those persecuted
for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case
who are on trial since 17/1 in Koridallos prisons

"Reventando lo existente. Reflexiones del combate minoritario" – Book in Spanish about the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Libro. Reventando lo existente,reflexiones del combate minoritario: Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Grecia.
Mad arson attacks for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
The communique spontaneously combusted shortly after appearing:
“Saturday night 15/1 and Sunday 16/1 we torched:
- bank of Proton Bank in Vironas area
- Local organization of PASOK (ruling party) in Moshato,
- Two vehicles of a security company in Gizi,
- Personal motorbike of a cop who lives in Exarchia (Asimaki Fotila street).
We dedicate these actions to our imprisoned comrades accused in the case of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and tried as of today in the political court marshal in Koridallos prison. Three of those have taken the political responsibility for the organization, while the others deny their participation, but keep intact their rebelliousness and dignity. We pledge that we will not leave any imprisoned revolutionary alone. These violent acts of resistance are not only fair, but also the duty of every person who puts themselves against a world where exploitation and injustice reign and money is in charge. The individual agreements and disagreements are to be discussed; what is non-negotiable is: solidarity between individuals and groups who are fighting for freedom in every way and with any means. Also, towards the new treaty that criminalizes social, political and personal relationships (like in the case of the notorious “safehouse” of Halandri, but recently the case of the four comrades wanted for arson in Thessaloniki), we respond with even more rage and anger, more litres of petrol and butane bottles. Of course, we do not forget the famously disgusting minions of the system, the journalists, who for a salary and a career, mock and step on the freedom and the dignity of our comrades, repeating the lies of the police and presenting various scenarios of their imagination; to try, condemn and destroy lives and reputations, before “civil justice” does it officially. They should know that on this side of the war, memory and honour is in excess, and sooner or later they will pay for the dirty role they have chosen in life.
Finally, we want to say that we chose to act on this theoretically “tough” weekend before the beginning of the trial, when the police have unleashed their obvious and also hidden running dogs, in fear of a new armed attack, to break in this way the terror and fear that the State attempts to impose on society and on people who are fighting. As long as the State is unable to mend the holes of a system that’s collapsing, the noose will tighten and the measures will intensify. We must stand strong and act with all our power, until the Revolution and Liberation, social and individual.
Freedom to H.Hadjimihelakis, P. Argirou, G.Tsakalos who have taken the political responsibility for the “Conspiracy Cells of Fire” and P.Massouras, K.Karakatsani, A.Mitrousias, G.Karagiannidis who are imprisoned for the same case.
Solidarity to all imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries.
Struggle by any means – Revolution First and Always.
Wolves of Solidarity”
Bombing at police station in Mexico State

Direct solidarity with Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, and the others charged with being members of the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece, who are now on hunger strike: Antisocial, nihilist, and anarchist until the end! —Earth Liberation Front (Informal Anarchist Federation/Global Network) clik n foto to read...
solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011
Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)IN U.K.
Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK)
Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)
“In the early morning of 17 January, two telecommunications utilities vehicles, of British Telecom, were set on fire in Bristol.This attack was made in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and all those who are fighting inside and outside the prison walls.We denounce the trial against the accused and imprisoned of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We denounce all trials, refusing to recognise the authority of the State and its judicial apparatus.
We send comradely greetings to the imprisoned cell of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and say that we recognise ourselves, our actions and our ideas in a common project of destruction.We salute all rebellious and revolutionary prisoners and all people rising up against capitalism and the State.
Long Live Anarchy!
For an international informal anarchist federation. “
17 January Group
Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK) 15 January 2011
“Early hours of saturday morning security and surveillance van set on fire in solidarity with members of conspiracy cells of fire group who face trial in Greece on monday the 17th.”
Solidarity with Cells of Fire
London UK - Solidarity attack on Barclays Bank, Dulwich FROM www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/472295.html17 January 2011 - Solidarity attack. Barclays Bank, Dulwich, London got a visit early this morning just after midnight - a gift - can of petrol - left at the entrance - in flames - a small attack on the banking system -solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011
in solidarity to the Greek comrades in court today 17 January for the start of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire trial.
midnight express
İstanbul, Turkey (16.01.2011) - In the night of 16th of January 2011 at 7 p.m. against the biggest one of the shopping centers in Istanbul, Cevahir AVM, there was an attack with fireworks.
The 4 of the exploded 7 fireworks hit the entrance and the windows of shopping center. While fireworks begin to explode, there had been no injury except a little bit panic. While the banks, shopping centers, fasfoods and other part of the consuming culture reduce imagination and free time to shit and debt, while our planet began to unliveable because of the consumption and commodification, we see a little art-sabotage not inappropriate. |
The actions that we took like this is for solidarity with our comrades who are now in hostages in Greece dungeons and with Conspiracy Cells of Fire.
Insurrectionary greetings
Source: http://istanbul.indymedia.org/news/2011/01/270789.php