K. Baltas did not hesitate also to manufacture an armed organization in the case of the arrested on the 4th of December and imprisoned 6 comrades, some of which do not even know each other. Additionally, he took this brief, that is full of manufactured charges and belief prosecutions, and he connected it penally with the case of Conspiracy Cells of Fire, which he also handles. And there he set up an obvious fabrication, where he involved with the C.C.F. comrades who have nothing to do with it and made sure it functions as vengeful as possible, enlarging the charges for those who took the political responsibility. The example of H.Hadjimihelakis who is being charged with the ethical perpetration for actions that happened while he was in prison is characteristic.
Baltas, with his posse, as a commissioned governmental repressive mechanism attempts the extermination of fighters with anti-regime action. He revenges in the hardest way the comrades that have taken the political responsibility of organizations (R.S. and C.C.F.) scanning all their political, friendly and occasionally relative circles with detentions and prosecutions. In the case of the six arrested of the 4th of December he reached the point to manufacture the organization.
These days were appearing before the juridical council, Ch.Kortesis, V.Stathopoulos and S.Nikitopoulos for the extension or not of their already 12month detention. Also, Baltas visited the detainees of the 4thof December in order to include them in the trial brief of C.C.F., while of course the trial of the alleged safehouse in Halandri continues.
Therefore in this timely situation we selected to gather outside the house of K.Baltas for our intervention with posters, leaflets and chants. When we were leaving two cops from a copcar stopped a comrade. Those who realized this (some had already left) stopped and returned towards the point where the comrade was stopped. Thus, we were surrounded by dozens of DIAS cops. Afterwards we spent 24hours in GADA (police headquarters) and then to the one-member court with two delinquencies, for which we will be tried on 13/4/2011.
All this certainly is the minimal compared to what those that are in the prisons of the democracy of all the Baltas are facing.
Freedom to the members of Revolutionary Struggle and Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Immediate of the 6 arrested on the 4th of December and to those who deny the charges in the Halandri case
No persecution on V.Stathopoulos, Ch.Kortesis and S.Nikitopoulos
ps.The comrades, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Christoforos Kortesis and Sarantos Nikitopoulos, who always denied their involvement in Revolutionary Struggle, and were jailed during the same 10.4.2010 ‘counter-terror’ wave, were set free 8.4.2011, on conditional liberty.