7 October 2010
Social rebellion will continue as the sun continues to shine.
This time we say, that what we are doing is the culmination of all our anxieties and anger against a system that is running this. Systems that idolize money, a system that nags the public daily with television, so they buy things they do not need so that they continue to work like a machine. System that required us and other people to not have control over our own lives.
Another system that benefits the bourgeoisie, the businessmen, and state bureaucrats who become loyal allies. For us all, this is not the time to be quiet, not the time to calmly watch the event in front of the television and say that “all is okay”.
For each incident of repression in West Papua.
For each incident of oppression in Kulon Progo.
For every historic repression in Aceh.
For each incident of oppression in Wera, Bima.
For any evictions and land seizures in Takalar and Pandan Raya in Makassar.
For each of the oppression of our comrades who are struggling.
To Tukijo and social combatants languishing in jail just because of fighting for their life right.
For each forest concessions that would destroy any money on behalf of biodiversity and business!
And for every prison should have burned to the ground.
So long as the state and capitalism still exist, never will there be words of peace between those dispossessed by those who are dispossessing.
Attacks on financial centers: ATMs, banks, corporate buildings is an important target, because they are one of the collaborators who cause suffering on this earth.
This is not because we do not advocate terrorism to attack the people, terrorism is a war between countries. Terrorism is a rice and food in your kitchen that are running low. Terrorism is a crook in uniform who carries weapons everywhere. Terrorism is the massacre of the dispossessed.
So we say: enough!
Tortuga! The combatants who never stopped to fight out there, although you have to crouch on the bars because you will be freedom of belief: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece), combatants in Chile: Tortuga! Lives on! Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Thomas Meyer Falk (Germany) Polykarpos Georgiades, Revolutionary Struggle! Kudos for the combatants in Manado, Makassar, and Bandung, you are an inspiration in the middle of the powerlessness of their lives that society makes increasingly uncertain and helpless.
“Let the fire burn in the darkness!”
Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Revolutionary Front – FAI
Note: 3 people were arrested following this action. One comrade is a fugitive. Long may they remain free. More details to be released.