The Informal Anarchist Federation/Circle of Iconoclastic Action undertook these graffiti in solidarity with the imprisoned members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire — who are incarcerated in the Greek State’s dungeons — and in the memory of the anarchist revolutionist Mauricio Morales. Excerpt of the communiqué by Federación Anarquista Informal/Circulo de Acción Iconoclasta: ‘Another motive for our action was to keep in solidarity with the imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who continue to resist from the prisons of the Capital; and to keep alive the memory of the fighter Mauricio Morales.’ August 16th, 2011 | Tags: chile, Federación Anarquista Informal/Circulo de Acción Iconoclasta, graffiti, greece, imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF, Mauri, Mauricio Morales, Peru, solidarity | Category: News, Prisons – Detention, Proclamations, State Repression | Leave a comment |

Long live the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front
“Lightning never travels in straight repetitive lines. It breaks out
suddenly. Even an apparent ‘silence’ is not a retreat, but the calmness
before the storm…”
The imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF
for the imprisoned anarchists

FRENCH : Proposition, de la Conspiration des Cellules de Feu
À tous-tes les prisonniers-ères anarchistes :
for the imprisoned anarchists

spanish: Llamamiento internacional de CCF/ Federación Anarquista Informal
FRENCH : Proposition, de la Conspiration des Cellules de Feu
À tous-tes les prisonniers-ères anarchistes :
Προς τους φυλακισμένους αναρχικούς.
(de) Internationaler Appell der Verschwörung der Zellen des Feuers VZF/Informelle Anarchistische Föderation
Friday, August 19, 2011
Posted on August 4, 2011
With faces sad and tired, with their characteristics pulled after their nightmare lasting several months but with dignity and determination in their look, the parents of those sentenced in the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case, welcomed on Wednesday relatives, friends, journalists and dozens of other people of all ages, eminent and not, that arrived in the room of ESIEA (Journalists’ Union of the Athens Daily Newspapers) for a press conference.
One week after the decision of the Three-member Court of appeals that sentenced from 11 to 25 years of imprisonment six of the nine accused, the parents and the advocates of those sentenced are not willing to give up. In the press conference they accused the court of a “political decision”, of ”inhumanity and vengefulness”, while they claimed one more time that the three explosions that did not cause an injury or death of anyone do not justify the total of 130 years of imprisonment that the court “shared out” to their children.
A dead silence prevailed in the room when with a shaking voice Mrs. Hadjimihelaki, mother of 19 yearold Haris Hadjimihelakis who was sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment, read the collective statement of the parents. “It was an unfair decision, callous, exhaustive, absurd, arbitrary, inhuman, vengeful. It was a decision that based on the nazi logic of collective responsibility, it targeted individuals based solely on their ideology”, said characteristically Mrs. Hadjimihelaki.
She added that ”the infamous ‘explosions’ are proven not to have caused any danger to a person and the testimonies of the witnesses absolutely clarified they were actions in the ‘sphere’ of political protest”. As for the results of the ‘explosions’, even through the expertise of the people of the responsible service, it was shown that it was firecrackers with a non standardized gunpowder, which can cause a deflagration and not an explosion”, she mentioned.
She left in the end political hints stressing that “Justice punishes brutally and mercilessly destroys young people with guesses and conclusions and not for actions. And leaves unpunished those involved in enormous political and economic scandals, which put at risk the lives of people and the constitutional structures of country”.
Now greece can sleep in peace. PASOK’S justice sentenced the 18yearold then Kostandina to 11years imprisonment with no proof, no evidence, not even based on her age. She may be the only political prisoner that is under 20 in the world. If there is another its probably in a country in banania.
They sentenced her at a trial that was between a court martial and an inquisition, without taking into consideration neither the witnesses nor all the evidence that shouted her innocence.
The crime: she did not conform, to the orders to not go to exarhia, to not fight for anything, to not have a political opinion, to bow the head and beg for lenience. The sentence had to be excruciating.
I dare all the judges, all of greece, especially Arsenis and Katseli, to show me what my child did, who she harmed, who she terrorized.
The accused her with no shame of being a terrorist at the age of 17. They are the terrorists and their subjects who have brought greeks to a desperate situation and are still out there free. All the gangs of robbers politicians who ridiculed the nation and imprisoned my child simply because she had the courage to stand up against them.
It couldn’t happen any other way. The decision had been made. The party had to show that it eliminated terrorism. The seats had to be saved.
I speak of course of Georges (Papandreou) party and co. This party has nothing to do with the Pasok of Andreas (Papandreou, father of george), Gennimatas, Merkouri, Tritsis (all ex leaders of Pasok), and all those who taught democracy, respect of the citizen and equal justice for all. We are speaking of a party of which its leader tries to cover up the corruption of his comrades with alleged investigations.
Why do they not make the same judges try Mantelis, Alogoskoufis, Simitis, Tsohatzopoulos, Rousopoulos, Papantoniou, Voulgarakis and all the others, just so we can see if they have the guts and balls to use the full length of the law and its sentences.
So your justice had to show its existence on my childs back?
Minister, because your new in this ministry and you haven’t been informed by your co-fighters Papoutsis, Kastanidis, Hrisohoidis, i will tell you: The crime these kids committed was that they dared to get fed up before all of us. And the people dared it.
The babies and their pots became a chant. Hundreds of thousands of people in squares were holding pots. Art honored them. A well known composer and singer sings: “C’mon my friend, grab a pot, and tell he kids to come one night and burn it all”, as a token of respect to those who did nothing for themselves, to those who mortgaged their youth behind bars and its no just the song.
Its all Greeks except for your people who are set and comfortable . This is the great crime they committed. They bothered the system, woke memories and chants we used years before the babies were born. You remember minister? Its the ones we chanted together with a lot of you in the streets and they are all current examples.”People youre starving, why are you bowing to them”, “Cops- pigs- murderers”, “Bread, education, freedom” and your comrade Papoutsis remembers them because he applied them word-to-word in the constitution. All that was missing was Dertilis tank. Therefore, now that Kostandina is in your fire range, you can walk the streets with no fear, the cafes, the stadiums, go out and admire a country, that only you could have brought this low.
It is my honor therefore, that my daughter did not make my mistake of belonging to cheap political parties.
I am proud that this is my child. The country of Digenis and Diakos, my country, today a country of traitors.
I would like to thank all those who respected my golgotha.
I thank all those who even got beaten up, in order to show their support to my child. I thank the witnesses, i thank the district attorney who even at the last minute realized where this trial was going and did what he could to save the kids from the guillotine.
The court might have sent 6 kids to the galleys, but it for sure it sent 600 kids to exarhia area Athens. Isn’t that so, Mikis (Theodorakis, singer)? We are two, we are three, we are a thousand thirteen.
To finish i would like to thank my friend for decades and advocate to my daughter, Nikos Kostandopoulos. I thank his daughter Zoi for defending my Nina as a sister and i ask of them, after they talk to my child, to do everything within the law. A bit later when everything is clearer and trials are clearly objective.
translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow!
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Our Lives of Burning Vision – About the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire & more
Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras present a 68 page publication about the most recent situations and events connected with the Revolutionary Organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and their 17 January International Solidarity Call for an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global).
Free PDF – Paper copies available in single copies or bundles (10x = £20 + postage) from or from the radical distros which carry 325 magazine. Benefit for CCF prisoners and accused of the same case – Nonprofit.
“In the chaos of our own existence we are a part of the imponderable element which organizes subversion, plans mutinies, that leave even ourselves dazed. The translation of texts, letters, communiqués, etc. so that comrades in other countries around the world can read about the desires and ideas and projectuality of the comrades in Greece, is one more weapon at our disposal. What began as a simple desire and a challenge, has brought us into a new field of experiences, acquaintances and responsibilities. Now that we’re here, they will not get rid of us easily.
We have become another aspect of the asymmetric threat. The war to the end, has already begun. …”
This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionary insurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires, whether it’s through the letters-texts of our fighting comrades who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy or through the actions of the comrades outside in the streets day and night with all means untilsocial liberation for Anarchy.
Actforfreedomnow - Boubouras
March 2011
From the introduction by Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras.
A huge storm of revolt raged through the streets of Greece in December 2008. After the 15 year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered in coldblood by a cop, riots spread throughout the whole country for several weeks. Hundreds of corporate and government targets were attacked, plundered and set on fire. Although it was anarchists and anti-authoritarians who took the lead in this storm during the first week after the murder, it spread itself fast and many people got involved in this revolt against miserable living conditions, against the authorities and against the hopelessness offered by this world to the exploited and oppressed. But the revolt didn’t cease at the end of 2008, neither did it start on the day of the murder. The attacks against the structures of State and Capital went on and spread to several smaller towns in Greece.
About 180 fire attacks and, since a couple of months, artisan [‘homemade’] bombing attacks were carried out under the name of ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’. The attacks targeted banks, car dealers, shopping centres, governmental institutions, police stations, offices of political parties, houses of politicians, judges, criminologists, journalists, private security firms and companies building prisons,… and always accompanied by elegantly critical and nihilistic claims of anarchist responsibility.
The claims did not only criticize Capital, State and Authority (in all of their aspects), but also the resignation of the exploited, their herd mentality, their collaboration with the system. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) refuse to regard oppression and exploitation as simply being imposed by batons and blackmail, but understand it as a social relation in which all have their responsibility –and make or don’t make the choice to fight against it.
In September 2009 extensive anti-terror raids attempted to strike the CCF, these raids became one more political tool to attack the wider anarchist & anti-authoritarian movement, a situation which intensified when two members of the CCF were captured during an operation in November 2010, Athens. Against the ongoing legalistic kidnapping of our comrades and for the escalation of struggle for total liberation, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Illegal Sector called for an informal global project based on anarchist subversion, direct action and international solidarity. These papers document some of the many communiques, letters and legal & court updates concerning the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the accused comrades of the same case, plus solidarity actions resulting from the call for a formation of an Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front.
Whilst this publication can of course only offer a partial view upon the situation and topics, it is produced in the spirit of rebellion which fuels the total war against domination. It is an unfinished document that seeks collaboration through acts of refusal. The international call which has been circulated for the subversive formation of an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global), which is based on the principles of international solidarity, permanent subversion and constant conflict should be discussed, debated and acted upon without delay.
Dedicated to:
Anonymous Editions / Anti-Copyright Network
March 2011 / NET-DIY
Solidarity to all those persecuted for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case who are on trial since 17/1 in Koridallos prisons(greece)
“Paths change, times change,
Ways change, but the aim is the same.
This is our fate, to fight and resist.
To fight and fall down, to fall down and win.”
Solidarity to all those persecuted
for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case
who are on trial since 17/1 in Koridallos prisons

"Reventando lo existente. Reflexiones del combate minoritario" – Book in Spanish about the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Libro. Reventando lo existente,reflexiones del combate minoritario: Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Grecia.
In view of the trial that began on January 17 and for a better dissemination of ideas of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, a book is being published in Spanish, first in digital pdf format.
The book is called "Reventando lo existente. Reflexiones del combate minoritario"
(Destroying the existent. Reflections on minority struggle) and contains a chronology of the Halandri case, all the statements ofthe prisoners (Massouras, Hadtzimihelakis, Karakatsani, Tsakalos,Argirou), the chapter "Critique and contributions" (the statement
"The interpretations they give, time to talk about their aspirations," chapters 3 and 4 of the brochure "Conspiracy Theories ", thetext of G. Voutsis Vogiatzis
pages from "The Diary of a bomber" and the letter that Poly Georgiadis wrote to the Conspiracy ofCells of Fire) and all communiques and texts of the Conspiracy.
The back cover carries a famous phrase of the English poet
William Blake: He who desires but, actsnot, breeds pestilence."
our revolutionary solidarity comrades!
translate actforfreedomnow!
Mad arson attacks for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
The communique spontaneously combusted shortly after appearing:
“Saturday night 15/1 and Sunday 16/1 we torched:
- bank of Proton Bank in Vironas area
- Local organization of PASOK (ruling party) in Moshato,
- Two vehicles of a security company in Gizi,
- Personal motorbike of a cop who lives in Exarchia (Asimaki Fotila street).
We dedicate these actions to our imprisoned comrades accused in the case of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and tried as of today in the political court marshal in Koridallos prison. Three of those have taken the political responsibility for the organization, while the others deny their participation, but keep intact their rebelliousness and dignity. We pledge that we will not leave any imprisoned revolutionary alone. These violent acts of resistance are not only fair, but also the duty of every person who puts themselves against a world where exploitation and injustice reign and money is in charge. The individual agreements and disagreements are to be discussed; what is non-negotiable is: solidarity between individuals and groups who are fighting for freedom in every way and with any means. Also, towards the new treaty that criminalizes social, political and personal relationships (like in the case of the notorious “safehouse” of Halandri, but recently the case of the four comrades wanted for arson in Thessaloniki), we respond with even more rage and anger, more litres of petrol and butane bottles. Of course, we do not forget the famously disgusting minions of the system, the journalists, who for a salary and a career, mock and step on the freedom and the dignity of our comrades, repeating the lies of the police and presenting various scenarios of their imagination; to try, condemn and destroy lives and reputations, before “civil justice” does it officially. They should know that on this side of the war, memory and honour is in excess, and sooner or later they will pay for the dirty role they have chosen in life.
Finally, we want to say that we chose to act on this theoretically “tough” weekend before the beginning of the trial, when the police have unleashed their obvious and also hidden running dogs, in fear of a new armed attack, to break in this way the terror and fear that the State attempts to impose on society and on people who are fighting. As long as the State is unable to mend the holes of a system that’s collapsing, the noose will tighten and the measures will intensify. We must stand strong and act with all our power, until the Revolution and Liberation, social and individual.
Freedom to H.Hadjimihelakis, P. Argirou, G.Tsakalos who have taken the political responsibility for the “Conspiracy Cells of Fire” and P.Massouras, K.Karakatsani, A.Mitrousias, G.Karagiannidis who are imprisoned for the same case.
Solidarity to all imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries.
Struggle by any means – Revolution First and Always.
Wolves of Solidarity”
Bombing at police station in Mexico State

Direct solidarity with Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, and the others charged with being members of the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece, who are now on hunger strike: Antisocial, nihilist, and anarchist until the end! —Earth Liberation Front (Informal Anarchist Federation/Global Network) clik n foto to read...
solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011
Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)IN U.K.
Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK)
Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)
“In the early morning of 17 January, two telecommunications utilities vehicles, of British Telecom, were set on fire in Bristol.This attack was made in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and all those who are fighting inside and outside the prison walls.We denounce the trial against the accused and imprisoned of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We denounce all trials, refusing to recognise the authority of the State and its judicial apparatus.
We send comradely greetings to the imprisoned cell of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and say that we recognise ourselves, our actions and our ideas in a common project of destruction.We salute all rebellious and revolutionary prisoners and all people rising up against capitalism and the State.
Long Live Anarchy!
For an international informal anarchist federation. “
17 January Group
Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK) 15 January 2011
“Early hours of saturday morning security and surveillance van set on fire in solidarity with members of conspiracy cells of fire group who face trial in Greece on monday the 17th.”
Solidarity with Cells of Fire
London UK - Solidarity attack on Barclays Bank, Dulwich FROM January 2011 - Solidarity attack. Barclays Bank, Dulwich, London got a visit early this morning just after midnight - a gift - can of petrol - left at the entrance - in flames - a small attack on the banking system -solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011
in solidarity to the Greek comrades in court today 17 January for the start of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire trial.
midnight express
İstanbul, Turkey (16.01.2011) - In the night of 16th of January 2011 at 7 p.m. against the biggest one of the shopping centers in Istanbul, Cevahir AVM, there was an attack with fireworks.
The 4 of the exploded 7 fireworks hit the entrance and the windows of shopping center. While fireworks begin to explode, there had been no injury except a little bit panic. While the banks, shopping centers, fasfoods and other part of the consuming culture reduce imagination and free time to shit and debt, while our planet began to unliveable because of the consumption and commodification, we see a little art-sabotage not inappropriate. |
The actions that we took like this is for solidarity with our comrades who are now in hostages in Greece dungeons and with Conspiracy Cells of Fire.
Insurrectionary greetings