Posted on July 7, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
7/7he trial continues with the allocutions of the defence advocates of Kostandina Karakatsani. Last Tuesday, public prosecutor D.Dosoulas put in his proposal in which he asked for the acquital of Manos Giospas, Errikos Rallis and Nikos Vogiatzakis while for the rest he asked for them to be found guilty but with variations to the charges. The advocates of E.Rallis, M.Giospas, N.Vogiatzakis, A.Mitrousias have already given their allucation.
Solidarity to Giorgos Polydoros MEMBER OF THE R.O. C.C.F.(greece)
Posted on July 7, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
On Tuesday 5/7 after a special transfer, comrade Giorgos Polydoros to koridallos prisons from the prisons of Corfu. There it was asked from him by the people-guards to take off his underwear based on the “established”, disgusting and unacceptable method they use. Himself the comrade denied to be submitted to this process because this measure insults the dignity of the prisoner.
The director of Corfu prisons Vassilis Thomos acting vengefuly to his decent attitude ordered his isolation and his reference to the council of the prison, tomorrow Thursday 7/7 for a disciplined.
Posted on July 7, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
7/7he trial continues with the allocutions of the defence advocates of Kostandina Karakatsani. Last Tuesday, public prosecutor D.Dosoulas put in his proposal in which he asked for the acquital of Manos Giospas, Errikos Rallis and Nikos Vogiatzakis while for the rest he asked for them to be found guilty but with variations to the charges. The advocates of E.Rallis, M.Giospas, N.Vogiatzakis, A.Mitrousias have already given their allucation.
Solidarity to Giorgos Polydoros MEMBER OF THE R.O. C.C.F.(greece)
On Tuesday 5/7 after a special transfer, comrade Giorgos Polydoros to koridallos prisons from the prisons of Corfu. There it was asked from him by the people-guards to take off his underwear based on the “established”, disgusting and unacceptable method they use. Himself the comrade denied to be submitted to this process because this measure insults the dignity of the prisoner.
The director of Corfu prisons Vassilis Thomos acting vengefuly to his decent attitude ordered his isolation and his reference to the council of the prison, tomorrow Thursday 7/7 for a disciplined.
Posted on July 5, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
Political statement of G.Karagiannidis (greece)
My presence here des not in any way signal the acceptance from my part of the attribution of a defendant Even though i consider that the up to now development of the process brought down the ridiculous evidence of my involvement in the case. We all saw the cars that change colour, the pots that change size at will and other ridiculous things. Besides, we should not forget that with evidence of proportional gravity a was warrant of arrest was issued for a non-existent person.
Despite all this I preferred not to communicate with the court and, infront on the blackmailed terms, to abstain from the specific procedure.i chose to degrade with my turn as it degraded the accused and comrades in solidarity. Besides its conclutional role in at the orders of the service of court and the intentions of their political supervisors were revealed clearly a few days ago, when they immediately ensured the equipment that was required to project irrelevant with the case photographs of certain of the accused, while in our initial demand for the tape-recording the trial had an amazing cost!!!
This fact of course is a drop in the ocean of the more general juridical arbitrariness, however indicative of the terms with which the trial is carried out.
Naturally it could not happen differently. And this because in substance this remains a political trial, despite the effort to delete its significance from the modern democratic regime. It is a trial where two worlds collide.
From one side the cluster of four authorities with as spear head the judiciary, allazonic and snobbish, shielded behind its legal code.
Condensation and justification of the sovereign code of values of society. And on the other side people with different paths, choices, references and characters, with a common however denominator.
People that affix significances such as friendship, comradeship, solidarity and do not hesitate to pay for them with a personal cost.
People who in the end that resent this world and do not bow the head infront of it. In these last ones I place also myself.
Inevitably therefore I deny to testify in front of you. The lines between us are clear and nothing can blur them up.
Its the difference between the subjugated and insurrected conscience. This is why I deny to recognize your procedure and to communicate with you.
You can only condemn me and not judge me. Thus you can only acquit me and not justify me.
The only crisis that I consider and interests me really is that f myself and those who feel that we share the same repulsion for this world, its organs and its roles.
translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow!
Occupied the Italian Institute in Patission street in athens in solidarity with comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos and Christos Tsakalos
Posted on June 27, 2011 by actforfreedomnow

T his Morning 27/6 comrades occupied for about an hour the Italian Institute in Patission street in athens in solidarity with comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos and CChristos Tsakalos that threatened to issue to the Italian authorities for inflammatory parcel that was addressed to Berlusconi by the R.O. C.C.F. (for which 2 have made a political responsibility)
Hung banners, shared texts, flyrers in the streets, sent emails and fax in greek and Italian media.
comrades in solidarity
Text by the members of the R.O. CCF Christos Tsakalos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos in relation to the summons they received for the inflammatory parcel that was sent t
Political statement of G.Karagiannidis (greece)
My presence here des not in any way signal the acceptance from my part of the attribution of a defendant Even though i consider that the up to now development of the process brought down the ridiculous evidence of my involvement in the case. We all saw the cars that change colour, the pots that change size at will and other ridiculous things. Besides, we should not forget that with evidence of proportional gravity a was warrant of arrest was issued for a non-existent person.
Despite all this I preferred not to communicate with the court and, infront on the blackmailed terms, to abstain from the specific procedure.i chose to degrade with my turn as it degraded the accused and comrades in solidarity. Besides its conclutional role in at the orders of the service of court and the intentions of their political supervisors were revealed clearly a few days ago, when they immediately ensured the equipment that was required to project irrelevant with the case photographs of certain of the accused, while in our initial demand for the tape-recording the trial had an amazing cost!!!
This fact of course is a drop in the ocean of the more general juridical arbitrariness, however indicative of the terms with which the trial is carried out.
Naturally it could not happen differently. And this because in substance this remains a political trial, despite the effort to delete its significance from the modern democratic regime. It is a trial where two worlds collide.
From one side the cluster of four authorities with as spear head the judiciary, allazonic and snobbish, shielded behind its legal code.
Condensation and justification of the sovereign code of values of society. And on the other side people with different paths, choices, references and characters, with a common however denominator.
People that affix significances such as friendship, comradeship, solidarity and do not hesitate to pay for them with a personal cost.
People who in the end that resent this world and do not bow the head infront of it. In these last ones I place also myself.
Inevitably therefore I deny to testify in front of you. The lines between us are clear and nothing can blur them up.
Its the difference between the subjugated and insurrected conscience. This is why I deny to recognize your procedure and to communicate with you.
You can only condemn me and not judge me. Thus you can only acquit me and not justify me.
The only crisis that I consider and interests me really is that f myself and those who feel that we share the same repulsion for this world, its organs and its roles.
translate by boubourAs/actforfreedomnow!
Occupied the Italian Institute in Patission street in athens in solidarity with comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos and Christos Tsakalos

T his Morning 27/6 comrades occupied for about an hour the Italian Institute in Patission street in athens in solidarity with comrades Giorgos Nikolopoulos and CChristos Tsakalos that threatened to issue to the Italian authorities for inflammatory parcel that was addressed to Berlusconi by the R.O. C.C.F. (for which 2 have made a political responsibility)
Hung banners, shared texts, flyrers in the streets, sent emails and fax in greek and Italian media.
comrades in solidarity
Text by the members of the R.O. CCF Christos Tsakalos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos in relation to the summons they received for the inflammatory parcel that was sent t
Text by the members of the R.O. CCF Christos Tsakalos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos in relation to the summons they received for the inflammatory parcel that was sent t
o Berlusconi
o Berlusconi
o Berlusconi
Posted on June 26, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
‘Through the sadness of endless mediocrity that suffocates us from everywhere, I console myself that somewhere in a closet several stubborn people struggle to counteract the spoilage.’ [Odysseas Elytis]

We are summoned to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna, Italy, on June 28th in order to participate in a preliminary investigation in regard to the ‘punishable offense under Articles 110, 280 of the Criminal Code (attempt with terrorist and subversive purposes)’ of the inflammatory parcel’s postage addressed to Silvio Berlusconi. Moreover, according to the official notification of the Prosecutor’s Office that was delivered to us via fax in the prisons in which we are detained, Berlusconi himself is called to attend the process as ‘victim of the punishable offense.’
Furthermore, the Digos (General Investigations and Special Operations Division) is authorized to disclose the present statute. Obviously, we face a transnational upgrade of repression since this manipulative approach offers the probability of extradition of imprisoned urban guerillas to another state. Besides, the cover-up provided by the Greek authorities to the Italian services is not incidental as this specific document of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna was concealed and hidden from public display; a move that validates once more the police and judicial authorities’ cooperation between Greece and Italy, in their fight against the anarchist internal enemy. We have witnessed this in the past, through the representatives’ meetings of the Greek, Italian and Spanish police which aimed at the establishment of the anarchist triangle theorem (Greece, Italy, Spain); it was also confirmed through the method of the Italian prosecutor Marini — dozens of Italian insurrectionary anarchists’ arrests on the pretext of the non-existent ‘Revolutionary Organization of Anarchist Insurrectionists’ (ORAI) — and its Greek version copied by the appellate investigating magistrates Baltas and Mokkas, and now through the summons that we received by the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna. We do not forget the recent case of arrest of an immigrant by the Greek authorities after reports in Italian newspapers which presented him as a ‘chief terrorist’ whilst today his relatives denounce that his tracks are missing.
We are convinced that the move of the Italian police and judicial authorities with the assistance of their Greek compeers against us is the pinnacle of the international counter-revolutionary war conduct, in line with the widespread suppression against the subversive circles.
Faced with the possibility of extradition to the Italian authorities we will never even for a moment fall kneeling in repentance, begging for a favorable treatment before the rival.
We participate consciously in the urban guerrilla warfare and we walk either outside or inside prison walls, having decided to fight until the end. For this reason neither now, nor never will we transform the juridical prosecution against us into cheap mockery about proof of innocence or guilt. What is important is to highlight the counter-revolutionary campaign which the Power has unleashed against the anarchist urban guerrilla warfare and the subversive projects that struggle for the violent overthrow of the financial dictatorship and the culture of submission and exploitation.
We do not have anything to say to our persecutors neither in Greece, nor in Italy but three
After all, we are aware of the Italian fascist public prosecutions and police services. In our minds and hearts the comrades murdered by the Italian State, Edoardo Massari, Sole (Maria Soledad Rosas), Carlo Giuliani, Horst Fantazzini, are forever alive and free; while our solidarity as a fist that breaks prison bars stands next to Silvia, Billy and Costa who are imprisoned in Switzerland — with the Italian State’s taking part in the investigations — and Anna Maria Pistolesi, Martino Trevisan, Stefania Carolei, Nicusor Roman and Maddalena Calore in the Fuoriluogo case.
Finally, we send our friendship and strength to our brothers and sisters in the Italian FAI and to all groups of the International Revolutionary Front–Informal Anarchist Federation, as well as to the Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror of New CCF; to all those whom revolution is a permanent home, where no other life is possible. Because comrades, when a battle ends it is time to begin the next one.
PS. We stress that we refuse to present before the Italian Prosecutor’s Office; as anarchist urban guerrillas, we do not recognize any authority competent to judge us. We disclose in all directions that abettors of any transfer attempt to Italy via our unexpected ‘abduction’ from the prisons in which we are detained, will be the Greek anti-terrorism agency, juridical officials and the Greek State which cooperates with the Italian authorities.
Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Thursday, June 23th, 2011

We are summoned to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna, Italy, on June 28th in order to participate in a preliminary investigation in regard to the ‘punishable offense under Articles 110, 280 of the Criminal Code (attempt with terrorist and subversive purposes)’ of the inflammatory parcel’s postage addressed to Silvio Berlusconi. Moreover, according to the official notification of the Prosecutor’s Office that was delivered to us via fax in the prisons in which we are detained, Berlusconi himself is called to attend the process as ‘victim of the punishable offense.’
Furthermore, the Digos (General Investigations and Special Operations Division) is authorized to disclose the present statute. Obviously, we face a transnational upgrade of repression since this manipulative approach offers the probability of extradition of imprisoned urban guerillas to another state. Besides, the cover-up provided by the Greek authorities to the Italian services is not incidental as this specific document of the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna was concealed and hidden from public display; a move that validates once more the police and judicial authorities’ cooperation between Greece and Italy, in their fight against the anarchist internal enemy. We have witnessed this in the past, through the representatives’ meetings of the Greek, Italian and Spanish police which aimed at the establishment of the anarchist triangle theorem (Greece, Italy, Spain); it was also confirmed through the method of the Italian prosecutor Marini — dozens of Italian insurrectionary anarchists’ arrests on the pretext of the non-existent ‘Revolutionary Organization of Anarchist Insurrectionists’ (ORAI) — and its Greek version copied by the appellate investigating magistrates Baltas and Mokkas, and now through the summons that we received by the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna. We do not forget the recent case of arrest of an immigrant by the Greek authorities after reports in Italian newspapers which presented him as a ‘chief terrorist’ whilst today his relatives denounce that his tracks are missing.
We are convinced that the move of the Italian police and judicial authorities with the assistance of their Greek compeers against us is the pinnacle of the international counter-revolutionary war conduct, in line with the widespread suppression against the subversive circles.
Faced with the possibility of extradition to the Italian authorities we will never even for a moment fall kneeling in repentance, begging for a favorable treatment before the rival.
We participate consciously in the urban guerrilla warfare and we walk either outside or inside prison walls, having decided to fight until the end. For this reason neither now, nor never will we transform the juridical prosecution against us into cheap mockery about proof of innocence or guilt. What is important is to highlight the counter-revolutionary campaign which the Power has unleashed against the anarchist urban guerrilla warfare and the subversive projects that struggle for the violent overthrow of the financial dictatorship and the culture of submission and exploitation.
We do not have anything to say to our persecutors neither in Greece, nor in Italy but three
After all, we are aware of the Italian fascist public prosecutions and police services. In our minds and hearts the comrades murdered by the Italian State, Edoardo Massari, Sole (Maria Soledad Rosas), Carlo Giuliani, Horst Fantazzini, are forever alive and free; while our solidarity as a fist that breaks prison bars stands next to Silvia, Billy and Costa who are imprisoned in Switzerland — with the Italian State’s taking part in the investigations — and Anna Maria Pistolesi, Martino Trevisan, Stefania Carolei, Nicusor Roman and Maddalena Calore in the Fuoriluogo case.
Finally, we send our friendship and strength to our brothers and sisters in the Italian FAI and to all groups of the International Revolutionary Front–Informal Anarchist Federation, as well as to the Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror of New CCF; to all those whom revolution is a permanent home, where no other life is possible. Because comrades, when a battle ends it is time to begin the next one.
PS. We stress that we refuse to present before the Italian Prosecutor’s Office; as anarchist urban guerrillas, we do not recognize any authority competent to judge us. We disclose in all directions that abettors of any transfer attempt to Italy via our unexpected ‘abduction’ from the prisons in which we are detained, will be the Greek anti-terrorism agency, juridical officials and the Greek State which cooperates with the Italian authorities.
Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Members of the R.O. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Thursday, June 23th, 2011
UPDATE ON C.C.F. TRIAL Today five of the nine accused for particiation in the organization “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” testified. 21/6
logizing but making a political statement. He spoke of the “court martial” and of a “political” trial, while he stressed that he is in the court as a “political enemy of the hostage regime” and not as a common criminal.
The defendant denied to take place in the “false dilemma”, as he characteristically said, between innocent or guilty and stressed that he remains in the trial as a “political subject, uncomromizing”. He completed his speech with the phrase “Long live the revolution, long live the radical subversive struggle”.
It is reminded that Panagiotis Masouras initially had withdrawn from the process in protest to the non taperecording of the proceedings and to the retaining of the identities of the audience. Later, after his release because of the completion of 18months detention, he appeared in the trial without a lawyer and with no essential participation in the hearing. After that spoke Manos Giospas. He mentioned that he has absolutely no relation with the charge, that he has denied it from the beginning to the end and that he is persecuted based on friendly and family relations. Note that Manos Giospas is a cousin of his codefendant, Haris Hadjimihelakis, and lives on the first floor, above the apartment in Halandri that later was named as a “safe house”.
He spoke of the conditions under which his arrest was carried out, outside his house, of cops from the antiterrorist force that shouted “put a hood on him” and tried to… tape up the mouth of his girlfriend, which they also arrested. He soke of a “hollywood arrest” and awful conditions of detainment in the holding cells, that aimed at his ridicule and no the verification of the truth. “If I had participated in the organization, I would have said so”, he mention characteristically, denying any involvement.
Errikos Rallis also denied any participation in the case. He stressed that he does not have any relation with the charges that are attributed to him and that for two years he is trying to understand why he is in this position. He spoke of the unacceptable practices of the persecutory mechanisms, who in collaboration with the Media leaked evidence of the trial brief and his photographs to the internet in order to justify his arrest and shape a proportional climate, “making up scenarios and mixing imaginary with real incidents”, as he characteristically said. He stressed that he wishes his prosecution stops and his honor and dignity are restored, which have been over slandered. Nikos Vogiatzakis also denied the charges, stressed that he is not a member of the organization but is persecuted because he believes in the anti-systemic struggle, because he is an anarchist and shows solidarity to the comrades. He spoke also of penalization of the friendly and family relations and of the unacceptable practices of the antiterrorist force, which held illegal followings and arrested him violently, with masks and machine guns, without allowing him to speak to a lawyer. He made a retrospection to the time of his arrest and spoke of targeting of political spaces from the former minister of the Protection of the Citizen, immediately after the election of the new government in 2009.
Alexandros Mitrousias also denied the charges. He declared that he is not a member of the organization – which he characterized “organization of revolutionary violence” – and clarified that if he were a member he would take the responsibility. He commented that he had friendly relations with Haris Hatdjimihelakis and that he finds it natural that his prints were found in the house of Halandri. He also stressed that there are no evidence against him and that this is a penalization of friendly relations.
Remains the testimony of Konstandina Karakatsani,which will be next week. Haris Hadjimihelakis, Panagiotis Argirou and Giorgos Karagiannidis, who withdrew from the process protesting for the non taerecording of the proceeding and the retaining of the identities of the audience, are not expected to testify.
by actforfreedomnow!/boubourAsLONG LIVE THE CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE
Posted on June 23, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
The following text is dedicated wholeheartedly to the Anarchist Revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos who with his unrepentant attitude confirmed that the Revolution does not retreat even when fired at. Also we do not forget his comrade who escaped with a cop car. Finally, we express our unlimited respect to the two comrades but also our great sorrow for the fact that the cops were not mortally wounded.
On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.
In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.
Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.
We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.
P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.
P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms
by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
The defendant denied to take place in the “false dilemma”, as he characteristically said, between innocent or guilty and stressed that he remains in the trial as a “political subject, uncomromizing”. He completed his speech with the phrase “Long live the revolution, long live the radical subversive struggle”.
It is reminded that Panagiotis Masouras initially had withdrawn from the process in protest to the non taperecording of the proceedings and to the retaining of the identities of the audience. Later, after his release because of the completion of 18months detention, he appeared in the trial without a lawyer and with no essential participation in the hearing. After that spoke Manos Giospas. He mentioned that he has absolutely no relation with the charge, that he has denied it from the beginning to the end and that he is persecuted based on friendly and family relations. Note that Manos Giospas is a cousin of his codefendant, Haris Hadjimihelakis, and lives on the first floor, above the apartment in Halandri that later was named as a “safe house”.
He spoke of the conditions under which his arrest was carried out, outside his house, of cops from the antiterrorist force that shouted “put a hood on him” and tried to… tape up the mouth of his girlfriend, which they also arrested. He soke of a “hollywood arrest” and awful conditions of detainment in the holding cells, that aimed at his ridicule and no the verification of the truth. “If I had participated in the organization, I would have said so”, he mention characteristically, denying any involvement.
Errikos Rallis also denied any participation in the case. He stressed that he does not have any relation with the charges that are attributed to him and that for two years he is trying to understand why he is in this position. He spoke of the unacceptable practices of the persecutory mechanisms, who in collaboration with the Media leaked evidence of the trial brief and his photographs to the internet in order to justify his arrest and shape a proportional climate, “making up scenarios and mixing imaginary with real incidents”, as he characteristically said. He stressed that he wishes his prosecution stops and his honor and dignity are restored, which have been over slandered. Nikos Vogiatzakis also denied the charges, stressed that he is not a member of the organization but is persecuted because he believes in the anti-systemic struggle, because he is an anarchist and shows solidarity to the comrades. He spoke also of penalization of the friendly and family relations and of the unacceptable practices of the antiterrorist force, which held illegal followings and arrested him violently, with masks and machine guns, without allowing him to speak to a lawyer. He made a retrospection to the time of his arrest and spoke of targeting of political spaces from the former minister of the Protection of the Citizen, immediately after the election of the new government in 2009.
Alexandros Mitrousias also denied the charges. He declared that he is not a member of the organization – which he characterized “organization of revolutionary violence” – and clarified that if he were a member he would take the responsibility. He commented that he had friendly relations with Haris Hatdjimihelakis and that he finds it natural that his prints were found in the house of Halandri. He also stressed that there are no evidence against him and that this is a penalization of friendly relations.
Remains the testimony of Konstandina Karakatsani,which will be next week. Haris Hadjimihelakis, Panagiotis Argirou and Giorgos Karagiannidis, who withdrew from the process protesting for the non taerecording of the proceeding and the retaining of the identities of the audience, are not expected to testify.
by actforfreedomnow!/boubourAsLONG LIVE THE CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE
On the 4th June and while the formal amusement of the Saturday night was climaxing we carried out a new revolutionary plan. We gathered, put on our fullface masks and carried out a raiding attack with sledge hammers on T-Bank on the cross road of Panormou and Achaia street, “transforming it into a summer shop”*, in order for it to suit the climate of the days. Our target was selected based on the following criteria: We wanted to strike a target in the centre of Athens and not in an accidental spot. Firstly, its situated near the central headquarters of the Police, so that the whore cops can receive the message that, no matter how much this area is “theirs” and how many patrols they might make, our plans are always one step ahead, (keep in mind you little bastards, your patrols are being charted). And on the other, it is near the area of “mass amusement” of the shops on Panormou street and thus, were exposed to the eyes of many the broken windows.
In this way we had the possibility to show to a lot of people the way that we “have fun”.
Above all however, we carried out this attack in order to stamp an agreement. We include our own network of fighters in the wider network of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire as well as the International Revolutionary Front. Ready to give it all to the Revolutionary Crime and Widespread revolutionary Guerrilla, we are also an internal enemy of the regime. A permanent internal threat. All these because we are tired of the void of life that is offered to us by this World through the civilization that is promoted by its society. We despise the relations of Authority and the misery of Economy. We are tired of the standardized behaviors. We are disgusted with the psychiatric clinics, prisons, schools, work, religion, but also with all the slaves that are subjugated and maintain all the above. We ought to turn AGAINST those who hurt Freedom. Not only in paper but by putting our wishes into practice on a daily basis.
We know that this decision of ours is difficult and holds for the unlucky and careless gigantic consequences, since we are going against the most difficult of opponents. With the holders of the army and science. Our heretical brains however cannot be cured neither with imprisonments neither with threats. The revolutionary remains for ever free. Until the end. Thus, with a clear conscience, we also put our hand in order to develop the International Revolutionary Illegality. Our next plans are already being examined and soon will be materialized.
P.S. 1: Our unlimited solidarity to comrade Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger who had a bomb explode in his hands that he had manufactured for an attack.
P.S. 2: A warm handshake to the “priest” who in 1997 in Albania tortured and killed a cop, set fire to another one and was arrested recently. Bless his hands!
International Revolutionary Front
Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Revolutionary Groups for the Spreading of Terror
Core of Vandalisms
by actforfreedomnow/boubourAs
Letter from A.Mitrousias, accused as a membef C.C.F.(greece)
I send this short letter in order to clarify certain things in relation with the incident that took place on the 7/6 in the court where I am tried as well as for the distortion that was carried out by the media.
The real incident is that I had about 15 joints of weed for myself. The media degraded this fact to a different dimension, that allegedly members of C.C.F. are trafficking “drugs” in the court and other different imaginative stories, since the only members of this organization that were tried in the present court P.Argirou and H.Hadjimihelakis have withdrawn since the end of January, wanting obviously to exploit this incident make in order to hurt politically this specific armed organization.
Also they wrote that supposedly the weed was given to me by my co-defendant E.R., something that is of course false. From there on someone can say, that with this move of mine i morally and politically scorned such a court. I guess thats how it is. Fortunately or unfortunately I do not have any relation neither with moral or with politics.
Obviously, each one has the individual responsibility of his actions, and my action characterize and burden only me. What can i say, I am a black sheep since I realized what i am capable of. Thats all.
Koridallos prisons
Letter from Errikos Rallis, accused as member of the C.C.F.(greece)
Once someone approached a priest and asked him to confess in order to receive a pardon of sins.
When he was asked of the sin that he committed he replied “simple slandering”.
The priest said that he cannot do anything about this.
Then he wondered how can a rapist or a murderer receive a pardon and not him.
The priest proposed to him to take a pillow, go to the top of a mountain, tear it apart with a knife and after scattering all the feathers in the air, pick them up again one by one and put them back in the pillowcase. Only then can he do something for him.
Concerning the incident that took place on 7/6/211 in the court of Koridallos prisons, if only it was just this.
Filing, misinformation, imagination, scenarios, speculations, prosecutions, charges, warrants, photographs, tv-trials, lies and other.
Incidents I see many, and i read even more.
Errikos Rallis
ANNOUNCEMNT OF THE R.O. CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE – for On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery.
Posted on June 19, 2011
On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery. The incidents that happened that day and which concern the defendants, among which are also members of our organization, but also those gathered in solidarity and relatives, force us to speak publicly. The blows that the members of the R.O. C.C.F. Panagiotis Argirou, Damiano Bolano, Mihalis Nikolopoulos received but also some of their co-defendants from the EKAM (special forces) and the masked special guards of the transfer escort as well as the attack of the riotcops on those gathered proves what cowardly pigs they are.
Such behavior they had also in Evelpidon on Friday where they dragged us into to the prison-van while kicking us and slammed our heads against the walls while we were tied up behind our backs without margins of essential reaction. At the same time they hit those gathered while they were aiming at them with their guns touching them many times over with the barrel of their guns. We do not transport this in order to promote a passive opinion and thought. Simply we stress facts that for one more time prove the obvious about the army of democracy. That it should not remains fire-proof and that they remain the fundamental targets of Revolutionary Action. As in all matters thus and in this circumstance the suitable intervention in our opinion is the application of theory into practice. From ambushes to protests to the arson of personal vehicles, from the surprise attacks to the destruction of police stations and from bombs in their buildings to political executions.
Finally to those who were there in solidarity we want to give a warm handshake that in these difficult moments they were next to us with great comradeship and strength.
Changing the climate and because of the similarity of the facts but also the common juridical resultant we want to proceed in a different statement that concerns the fact that took place on Tuesday 7/6 in the special court martial of Koridallos where is tried the case of the R.O. C.C.F. Once more, and we hope its the last, we clarify that members of our organization are those who have taken the responsibility for their participation in it and NO ONE other. Therefore various snitches of the Media should never again dare to involve us with irrelevant to us individuals and circumstances as in this case, where it circulated in the news that a member of C.C.F. was arrested for distribution of narcotics. We do not wish to play the role of the judge or public prosecutor. It does not concern us neither we will judge anyone if he is “innocent” or “guilty” in the eyes of the state and justice. What surely concerns us is what also himself the involved A. Mitrousias stresses in his letter of self-criticism that such situations downgrade the political quality of a trial of a Revolutionary Organization and gives food to anyone to throw their mud at us. Such incidents are incompatible with the conditions that suit the political courts and promote a lightness of political attitude.
We point out therefore that no member of our organization was ever arrested under these conditions. Moreover in the particular court the only members of the organization are comrades H. Hatdjimihelakis and P.Argirou, who have chosen not to appear in it.
Finally we want to stress to every correctional employee that will want potentially to exploit the fact in order to submit us to the humiliation of bodily search that we will give away any ground towards the vested of decent prisoners and that we will deny every time to consent and to accept this sordid “measure”.
The imprisoned members of the Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire
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Transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos member of C.C.F.
Posted on June 19, 2011
On 16-6-2011 Gerasimos Tsakaloswas transferred from the prisons of Corinth to the prisons of Domokos in D1 wing with Damiano Bolano after the carrying out of his disciplinary transfer.
He sends his warm greetings to the comrades of Conspiracy Cells of Fire / Revolutionary Groups of Propagation of Terror, that answered to the call of Conspiracy Cells of Fire of the first period, carrying out an attack on T-Bank on Panormou street on the 4th of June.
Letter from Damiano Bolano, imprisoned anarchist comrade of the Revolutionary Organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, from Domokos prison
Posted on June 12, 2011 by actforfreedomnow
Until the end…
“We will shout: grab the axes! We will strike mercilessly the authority without sparring our blows since they do not either. We will vanish them from the squares when their gang of dogs dares to show up there. We will vanish them from the cobbled streets of the countryside and the avenues of the capital. We will vanish them from the villages. Remember that when this happens, whoever is not with us, will be against us, an enemy. And we will use every mean in order to exterminate an enemy.”I recognize as a member of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire and from now on as a captive of war. A war which indirectly has been declared dozens of centuries now, from the dominators against the dominated, not making its presence perceivable in order that those subjugated live in illusions of freedom, and directly towards the anarchist revolutionaries and each decent person that is not subjugated and resists the smooth operation of the governmental mechanism.A war which is carried out daily in the working spaces, the schools, the centres of detainment of immigrants, in the prisons, in the street, in the army…“The system has not only simply imposed the directions of daily life, but has achieved to convince its tributary of its necessity, for its moral legalization and many are willing to defend it against its enemies.”We as warriors against every form of authority but also against every logic of self slavery, have a duty to adopt the total rupture and refusal of every system but also society in its present form. Besides, as history has shown, most of those who wait for society to wake up, fall “asleep”. And it is unacceptable to excuse and support people who are immobilized in their incompetence to define their own lives.On the contrary, we should criticize them constantly until they take a stand. Until they come out of the sphere of neutrality, losing the dumb smile of the junky TV-viewer and the cow look of the never full consumer and stand next to our revolutionary daily life or against us.“Society is as weak and soulless as the authority it always serves. As a body it is watered to the smallest pore of its organism by petty dogmatism, servility, corrupted and selfish instincts”Class segregation in society must be replaced by the individual and later the collective segregation according to the choices, the conscience and the way of life of each one of us. Because we are nothing more than our choices themselves, which mirror our conscience on our way of life. We have drawn the path of refusal, our refusal and we go along against the society of executioners, the warmth and care freeness that is promised with a law-abiding life, because we have learned to look forward and never lick where we spit.
We should vanish politicians, judges, journalists
We should annihilate cops, fascists, people-guards, bosses
We should attack well-respected citizens, snitches, sexists, animal torturers
Concerning the anarchist (new) urban guerrillaThe anarchist urban guerrilla is and continues to be for me an attitude and way of life, against anything and anyone who wants us slaves of the system. It is the sand in the cogs of the authoritarian mechanism.
A way to take our lives into our own hands and become masters of ourselves.A way to combine theory and practice.A way to transubstantiate the utopia into a reality here and now.A way to honour our choices and refusals.A path towards absolute freedom, which aims at blowing up and sabotaging the symbols of authority and the social relations that make them acceptable.A path of refusal and destruction of the roles they impose on us.However, knowing that the purpose defines the means, we conclude that the new urban guerrilla is one more mean that uses as its main characteristic, direct action. And must be absolutely identified with the aim, which in our case, is the accomplishment of an unconditional freedom based on Anarchy. It is one of the tools that every anarchist revolutionary should have in their arsenal, and combined with the general multiform action of the anarchist movement, a more true and substantial feeling of reality, of our reality, where we live based on equality, dignity, solidarity, pride, self-organization, freedom….
It is the noose on the neck of every authoritarianA path of constant and continuous attack
I publicize the following text not to define myself as a victim of the “democratic” police but to manage to transfer my experiences to comrades that might in the future be in my position, so they are somehow prepared.In the early hours of Monday 14/3/2011 a raid is carried out by the EKAM (special forces) on the house on Ellispontou street 53 in Volos and my arrest as well as my four comrades’ follows. Our transfer by the torturers of democracy to the 12th floor of GADA (police headquarters of athens) is carried out immediately with ordinary cars, tied up hands and hoods over the head. During the transfer there were many racist remarks and swearing towards me, while every now and then they took souvenir photos.My welcoming in GADA was a kicking-fest by many cops, for a long time, since I wouldn’t reveal my identity. Eventually after they took off my hood and discovered who I am, they made me look at a wall and every now and then continued the beating, just to remind me where I am. Sometimes I would hear the torturing of my comrades from the other rooms, and the cops tried to remind me that the others have “given” me away and it would be good for me if I spoke as well.Finally my time came to enter the room of torture of my comrades which is nothing other than the room where they take your fingerprints. As soon as they put me inside, they took off my handcuffs and five of them grab and tried to ut my hands in the ink. After seeing they couldn’t manage more came, and all together they immobilize me on the ground leaving their equipment on the floor. One cop had his knee on my neck, two more on my back and, two more holding my hands and two holding my legs down. The one that was trying to take my prints after realizing he can’t open my hand stuck a piece of metal in my fist and putting all his weight on it, started to twist it. At the same time another cop pulled back a finger of my other hand so far, until it was completely numb. This way the accomplished to take my prints, with only difficulty some spasms of my hand, that aimed at making it as hard as possible for them. They immediately cuffed me again and stood me up to look at the wall. Afterwards they took me in for prints again with the exact same procedure, since I did not give them to them, and although they already had them, because as an anarchist I refuse to obey any order from the pigs of authority.In the midst of the fingerprint procedure, a cop stuck something like a large ear bud in my mouth for DNA. They also confiscated my shirt for the same reason.After they were done, they put me up again to look at the wall where again the racist remarks continued. They made me listen to marching sounds and the greek national anthem, emphasizing the point that if I just said “fuck Albania” everything would end. I laughed at the thought that it would cost me nothing to say it, but I considered that my refusal should be total and threes no room for humoristic intervals. Shortly afterwards two of them took me to a room, where exhausted now I tried to fight off having my photo taken. Right after that, they took me to another room and for a few hours left me there looking at a wall cuffed behind my back, even when they eventually moved me to a small dungeon with the light on day and night and with no communication with my comrades.The next morning, the “consistent” employees came with legal procedures to ask if we want to give photos and fingerprints. When I heard that, I smiled ironically without even answering them.I am obliged to never accept the role of the hunted but only that of the attackerAn attacker in societyAn attacker on the run And I remain an attacker in prison as well
The day I was transferred to Domokos prisons, the guard who was in charge of dividing up the people in prison made the mistake (maybe on purpose, aiming at my ethical extermination) to put me with the murderer of comrade Alexandros Grigoropoulos and the obvious happened: As soon as I saw him I gave him some quick ones, until the law-abiding prisoners jumped on me to stop me.Naturally my first day in the hellhole was inaugurated with a disciplinary penalty. And in the procedure where they gave me the disciplinary the atmosphere was intense with swearing and insults when they brought him in guarded by three screws. As well, it is obvious that I refused to apologize to the prosecutor considering it my honour to cause some damage to the killer-cop Korkoneas.After this I adopted a more demanding behaviour towards the people-guards, showing them that there are no margins of retreating, neither in my thought or my actions, for any reason.Accidentally again, one month and a half later the people guard who was controlling the doors of the prison, created another “unexpected” meeting with the murderer Korkoneas, which I exploited immediately, honouring my words and reminding him that even in frames of protection he cannot hide anywhere. Thus, I jumped him, while at the same time a prisoner – bodyguard of his pretending that he is breaking us up, held me giving him the chance to react slightly and after that to run away to the security of his cell. Of course this time again I appeared before the disciplinary council.…. the war continuesSolidarity to the 14 Chilean comrades (who are persecuted in the “caso bombas”), to Gabriel Pombo da Silva (who has been in prison for over 20 years, 14 of them in the Spanish F.I.E.S. regime from where he escaped in 2004. He was arrested after a clash with the cops at the German borders in June of the same year and since then he is in the German prisons), to the 5 anarchists of “Fuoriluogo” in Bologna (who are accused for organized crime with subversive aims), to Silvia, Billy, Costa, Marco in Switzerland (they were arrested in Aril 2010 near Zurich when during a police check in their car were found explosives and a communiqué from ELF Switzerland), to Braulio Arturo Duran Gonzalez (he was arrested in September 2010. He is accused of attacks on banks and other targets), and to Adrian Magdaleno Gonzalez in Mexico (was arrested in February 2010 for a bomb attack on the under construction metro station of Taxquena. Also accused also of arson attacks and for participation in actions of Animal Liberation Front)Freedom to all the imprisoned fighters all over the world
Long Live the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary FrontHonour to comrade Alexandros GrigoropoulosHonour to anarchist revolutionary Lambros Foundas (member of the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle)Honour to comrade Mauricio Morales (who died in May 2009 when the bomb he was carrying exploded on him)
Damianos BolanoProud member of the R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire19/5/11
P.S. A warm greeting of fire and comradeship to the comrades of the Italian F.A.I. who send a letter-bomb to the Manager of Koridallos prisons and filled us with strength and courage, and to all the other groups who continue the struggle non-stop supporting in practice the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front from Russia to England, from the USA to Poland, from Spain to Mexico and Greece…
P.S. 2 Solidarity to anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos, who was arrested injured after a clash with cops at an accidental police control in Pefki area. Solidarity and strength to the anarchist revolutionary who got away with their cop-car.And remember that nothing more than a wall divides us.
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Update on C.C.F. trial 2/6/11
Update on C.C.F. trial
The defendants in the trial for the organisation “Conspiracy Cells of Fire” might leave the court again. The reason is, the decision of the court to project in the trial dozens of photographs from their personal moments, that were found in cds and dvds that were confiscated along with their personal computers.
Snapshots from trips, carnival disguises, games, even certain… naked photographs are among the material that the Three-member appeals Court decided to show in front of all who watch the trial, despite the fact nothing of that is related with the actions of the official charges.
Their advocates submitted multiple objections, as well as an application of retraction, with a view to deter the projection of the photographs.
They said it offends their dignity, personal data and private life.
“What aim does it have to project the personal moments, friendly or erotic relations of the defendants? You know that all these pictures do not have any value. What you wish is to humiliate them in public!” said characteristically the advocate of M.Giospas, Mr G.Agiostratitis.
He added that the photographs contain personal moments not only of them but also of their friends, which are not related with the case and which will see their private life be exposed in public view. Immediately Konstandina Karakatsani declared that she will not attend, while the remaining defendants are expected to comment at the next date, when their lawyers will attend also.
“I am unable to comprehend why our personal moments concern the court. You are acting like a peeping tom”, said P.Masouras, while M.Giospas addressed the judges asking “how you would feel if we projected in public the private moments of your children? ”
The remaining present defendants made statements in the same spirit, letting it be know that they will withdraw as well, if the court insists on the projection.
ANNOUNCEMNT OF THE R.O. CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE – for On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery.
Posted on June 19, 2011
On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery. The incidents that happened that day and which concern the defendants, among which are also members of our organization, but also those gathered in solidarity and relatives, force us to speak publicly. The blows that the members of the R.O. C.C.F. Panagiotis Argirou, Damiano Bolano, Mihalis Nikolopoulos received but also some of their co-defendants from the EKAM (special forces) and the masked special guards of the transfer escort as well as the attack of the riotcops on those gathered proves what cowardly pigs they are.
Such behavior they had also in Evelpidon on Friday where they dragged us into to the prison-van while kicking us and slammed our heads against the walls while we were tied up behind our backs without margins of essential reaction. At the same time they hit those gathered while they were aiming at them with their guns touching them many times over with the barrel of their guns. We do not transport this in order to promote a passive opinion and thought. Simply we stress facts that for one more time prove the obvious about the army of democracy. That it should not remains fire-proof and that they remain the fundamental targets of Revolutionary Action. As in all matters thus and in this circumstance the suitable intervention in our opinion is the application of theory into practice. From ambushes to protests to the arson of personal vehicles, from the surprise attacks to the destruction of police stations and from bombs in their buildings to political executions.
Finally to those who were there in solidarity we want to give a warm handshake that in these difficult moments they were next to us with great comradeship and strength.
Changing the climate and because of the similarity of the facts but also the common juridical resultant we want to proceed in a different statement that concerns the fact that took place on Tuesday 7/6 in the special court martial of Koridallos where is tried the case of the R.O. C.C.F. Once more, and we hope its the last, we clarify that members of our organization are those who have taken the responsibility for their participation in it and NO ONE other. Therefore various snitches of the Media should never again dare to involve us with irrelevant to us individuals and circumstances as in this case, where it circulated in the news that a member of C.C.F. was arrested for distribution of narcotics. We do not wish to play the role of the judge or public prosecutor. It does not concern us neither we will judge anyone if he is “innocent” or “guilty” in the eyes of the state and justice. What surely concerns us is what also himself the involved A. Mitrousias stresses in his letter of self-criticism that such situations downgrade the political quality of a trial of a Revolutionary Organization and gives food to anyone to throw their mud at us. Such incidents are incompatible with the conditions that suit the political courts and promote a lightness of political attitude.
We point out therefore that no member of our organization was ever arrested under these conditions. Moreover in the particular court the only members of the organization are comrades H. Hatdjimihelakis and P.Argirou, who have chosen not to appear in it.
Finally we want to stress to every correctional employee that will want potentially to exploit the fact in order to submit us to the humiliation of bodily search that we will give away any ground towards the vested of decent prisoners and that we will deny every time to consent and to accept this sordid “measure”.
The imprisoned members of the Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire
translate by actforfreedomnow!boubourAs
ANNOUNCEMNT OF THE R.O. CONSPIRACY CELLS OF FIRE – for On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery.
On the 10th of June was tried in the Evelpidon courts the case of occupation of the radio station sport fm that took place in 2007 in solidarity to anarchist Giannis Dimitrakis, imprisoned for a bank robbery. The incidents that happened that day and which concern the defendants, among which are also members of our organization, but also those gathered in solidarity and relatives, force us to speak publicly. The blows that the members of the R.O. C.C.F. Panagiotis Argirou, Damiano Bolano, Mihalis Nikolopoulos received but also some of their co-defendants from the EKAM (special forces) and the masked special guards of the transfer escort as well as the attack of the riotcops on those gathered proves what cowardly pigs they are.
Such behavior they had also in Evelpidon on Friday where they dragged us into to the prison-van while kicking us and slammed our heads against the walls while we were tied up behind our backs without margins of essential reaction. At the same time they hit those gathered while they were aiming at them with their guns touching them many times over with the barrel of their guns. We do not transport this in order to promote a passive opinion and thought. Simply we stress facts that for one more time prove the obvious about the army of democracy. That it should not remains fire-proof and that they remain the fundamental targets of Revolutionary Action. As in all matters thus and in this circumstance the suitable intervention in our opinion is the application of theory into practice. From ambushes to protests to the arson of personal vehicles, from the surprise attacks to the destruction of police stations and from bombs in their buildings to political executions.
Finally to those who were there in solidarity we want to give a warm handshake that in these difficult moments they were next to us with great comradeship and strength.
Changing the climate and because of the similarity of the facts but also the common juridical resultant we want to proceed in a different statement that concerns the fact that took place on Tuesday 7/6 in the special court martial of Koridallos where is tried the case of the R.O. C.C.F. Once more, and we hope its the last, we clarify that members of our organization are those who have taken the responsibility for their participation in it and NO ONE other. Therefore various snitches of the Media should never again dare to involve us with irrelevant to us individuals and circumstances as in this case, where it circulated in the news that a member of C.C.F. was arrested for distribution of narcotics. We do not wish to play the role of the judge or public prosecutor. It does not concern us neither we will judge anyone if he is “innocent” or “guilty” in the eyes of the state and justice. What surely concerns us is what also himself the involved A. Mitrousias stresses in his letter of self-criticism that such situations downgrade the political quality of a trial of a Revolutionary Organization and gives food to anyone to throw their mud at us. Such incidents are incompatible with the conditions that suit the political courts and promote a lightness of political attitude.
We point out therefore that no member of our organization was ever arrested under these conditions. Moreover in the particular court the only members of the organization are comrades H. Hatdjimihelakis and P.Argirou, who have chosen not to appear in it.
Finally we want to stress to every correctional employee that will want potentially to exploit the fact in order to submit us to the humiliation of bodily search that we will give away any ground towards the vested of decent prisoners and that we will deny every time to consent and to accept this sordid “measure”.
The imprisoned members of the Revolutionary Organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos member of C.C.F.
Posted on June 19, 2011
On 16-6-2011 Gerasimos Tsakaloswas transferred from the prisons of Corinth to the prisons of Domokos in D1 wing with Damiano Bolano after the carrying out of his disciplinary transfer.
He sends his warm greetings to the comrades of Conspiracy Cells of Fire / Revolutionary Groups of Propagation of Terror, that answered to the call of Conspiracy Cells of Fire of the first period, carrying out an attack on T-Bank on Panormou street on the 4th of June.
Transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos member of C.C.F.
He sends his warm greetings to the comrades of Conspiracy Cells of Fire / Revolutionary Groups of Propagation of Terror, that answered to the call of Conspiracy Cells of Fire of the first period, carrying out an attack on T-Bank on Panormou street on the 4th of June.
Letter from Damiano Bolano, imprisoned anarchist comrade of the Revolutionary Organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, from Domokos prison
Update on C.C.F. trial 2/6/11
Update on C.C.F. trial The defendants in the trial for the organisation “Conspiracy Cells of Fire” might leave the court again. The reason is, the decision of the court to project in the trial dozens of photographs from their personal moments, that were found in cds and dvds that were confiscated along with their personal computers. Snapshots from trips, carnival disguises, games, even certain… naked photographs are among the material that the Three-member appeals Court decided to show in front of all who watch the trial, despite the fact nothing of that is related with the actions of the official charges. Their advocates submitted multiple objections, as well as an application of retraction, with a view to deter the projection of the photographs. They said it offends their dignity, personal data and private life. “What aim does it have to project the personal moments, friendly or erotic relations of the defendants? You know that all these pictures do not have any value. What you wish is to humiliate them in public!” said characteristically the advocate of M.Giospas, Mr G.Agiostratitis. He added that the photographs contain personal moments not only of them but also of their friends, which are not related with the case and which will see their private life be exposed in public view. Immediately Konstandina Karakatsani declared that she will not attend, while the remaining defendants are expected to comment at the next date, when their lawyers will attend also. “I am unable to comprehend why our personal moments concern the court. You are acting like a peeping tom”, said P.Masouras, while M.Giospas addressed the judges asking “how you would feel if we projected in public the private moments of your children? ” The remaining present defendants made statements in the same spirit, letting it be know that they will withdraw as well, if the court insists on the projection. |
boubourAs actforfreedomnow!
Text concerning the sudden transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos from Koridallos prisons to Corinth -greece
Posted on May 26, 2011
Yesterday 20th of May a sudden transfer of Gerasimos Tsakalos, member of C.C.F., to Corinth prisons. The transfer was carried out with such hastiness that Tsakalos’ personal items are still in Malandrinou prisons. The executives of the ministry of justice continue to intensify the peculiar special regime of our detention-political isolation. After our scattering to eight different prisons (Grevena-Corfu-Komotini-Domokos-Thebes-Koridallos-Malandrino) and the “installation” of most of us into protection wings (wings intended for snitches and rapists) now is added also the transfer to Corinth. The prisons of Corinth are mainly “official prisons” with most prisoners maintaining a wonderful relationship of collaboration with the warders. This tactic of a double prison aims at a permanent war of nerves that certainly will not remain unanswered. Already from the first moments of arrival of Gerasimos intensities were caused. The correctional employees in the search asked our comrade “to take off his boxers” during the strip-search. Of course they received his total and non-negotiable refusal. This kind of search aims at the humiliation of each prisoner and constitutes a demonstration of power from the side of the warders. Gerasimos with his refusal made it clear to them that their threats and their locks do not capture our dignity. The result was to lead him to isolation for two hours and then, officials and employees, obviously pondering the consequences, placed him the fifth individual in a cell, that means “staying” on the floor. These techniques of punishment will not make us forget, neither will we forget ourselves. We remain for ever mutineers and embattled unleashing new challenges against authority.
P.S. The same moment that Comrade Theofilos Mavropoulos is hospitalized being guarded in the hospital after the clash with the cops in Pefki. We all know the special “care” that the pigs demonstrate on wounded comrades. The least we can do is point out the need to not leave him alone. His case and his rare boldness, we will not allow it to be given away to silence. It is the realistic regard of strength of every rebelled person that passes from disobedience to attack. 21-5-2011 R.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire
Letter from Giorgos Karagiannidis(greece)
The facts are known more or less: on 17-1-11 began the trial of some of the accused of participation in the Revolutionary Organization. Conspiracy Cells of Fire. From its beginning it became obvious that democracy had decided to impose its terms, using the attendance of comrades as an occasion to strike in two fields: first to split the bond of the accused with those who come in solidarity in an effort to demean and depoliticize the trial and second to enrich the files of DAEEB (Authority of Confrontation of Special Crimes of Violence), with names and photographs for future use.
The direct reaction of the accused was to withdraw -spontaneous as well as decisive- it showed that we did not intend to tolerate the democratic totalitarianism.
Even if this move of ours, as well as those that followed, initially caused embarrassment and it blocked the development of the procedure, it also brought our collaboration as defendants to its limits, because of our major inhomogeneousness as a total, since we are individuals with different positions, opinions as well as personalities.
This of course in no case cancels the importance of the battle that was given, since it was the first time that it was attempted to answer, in a juridical room, straight up and substantially, the blackmails of democracy. As undeniable and historically fortified is the presence and the political defence in a court, it is also undeniable that it is not the only political proposal, since each action -given the history of political trials- has its own separate gravity. Revolutionary speech does not run out in the juridical rooms but mainly in the conversations of those who speak it.
Despite the errors and the weaknesses this fight constituted a precious experience in the direction of resistance to the destructive conditions that are imposed in political trials. An experience that needs to be capitalized, in view of the upcoming crowd of cases that will be tried in the following period aiming at the inversion of the climate in the special courts.
Bearing in mind the above, I consider that its understood why I insist on my initial decision to leave the trial, even though the “evidence” of my involvement has collapsed already since the first sessions. I consider that the axis of solidarity of the “inside” with the “outside” is the spear point of our counter-attack. This decision of course concerns this trial and not necessarily the next ones as well -without however excluding it- since every future decision will be taken with the then given facts.
P.S. Warm greetings to all who against the stubborness of our times, choose to express their solidarity by all means, giving meaning to the word.
Giorgos Karagiannidis
1st wing of Koridallos prisons
Update on CCF trial, athens greece