the R.O. CCF are locked up in prisons around Greece while other comrades
are dragged by the anti-terrorist force and the judges, from dungeon to
dungeon convicted or detained for the same case.
The attitude of the 9 members of the R.O. CCF from the first moment of
their arrest, their claim of political responsibility, their decent
attitude inside the prisons and their attempt to leave empty cells behind
them feeds our need to stand in solidarity with our imprisoned comrades
more than ever.
The “fast track” court martial taking place in the female prisons of
Koridallos, all that will come and the pilot scheme moves that are trying
to be applied for the first time on them (prosecution for the solidarity
text written by the R.O. CCF and anarchist Theofilos Mavropoulos for the
anarchist ‘steki’ Nadir) will find us next to our comrades and against any
In such a climate, we cannot remain apathetic, and abandon our comrades at
the mercy of state objectives and practises. We unite our intention,
proceeding to the development of actions of solidarity to the persecuted
comrades, not leaving out of the fire line the authoritarian impose and
stressing with every opportunity the necessity for the increase of
polymorphic refusals against the authoritarian system.
We deny the role of the victim and of course that of the “defeated from
the start” because of the oppression unleashed by the state on the
anarchist movement the last two years. The presence of the
anti-authoritarian movement must become more obvious than ever.
Demonstrations, flyposting, chants on the streets, clashes, occupations,
and attacks comprise its polymorphy. Solidarity towards the imprisoned
comrades who are persecuted for their subversive action or for their
political identity was and is one of our priorities. Because… whoever
forgets the hostages of the war, forgets the war itself. We factually show
our solidarity denying the logics of selective solidarity and divisions.
We unite our forces creating a powerful dyke to the generalized state
oppression. And there is no better way available for the step over than to
act, to show with our moves that we realize the matter of solidarity.
We took therefore the initiative to call an open discussion for the
creation of an Assembly for Solidarity to the R.O. CCF, as well as all the
comrades who are persecuted for the same case. Through this we would like
to send a signal of solidarity to all comrades who are in the target of
the oppression, but also to the organization itself. We desire the better
coordination and the intensification of the action with which we aspire to
promote our solidarity for the case we are dealing with.
We address, therefore, within these frames, a public call to whoever
comrades desires to coordinate themselves with other comrades in the case
of solidarity for the specific matter. Our aim is the active participation
in the open procedures of the assembly, contributing in its support and in
the further broadening of its dynamic. In the hard times we are going
through we owe it to ourselves and our comrades to be as sufficient as
possible and sharp against authority and its civilization. We are sure
that every move of solidarity strengthens the resistances and the
revolutionary conscience both ways, sending the message to the people
guards and the juridical mafia, that the imprisoned comrades are not
alone. The shouts they yell with courage and insistence, the passion for
refusal of authority, are a united voice that upsets the rhythm of
normality and subjugation. And will never stop being heard as long as this
civilization and all things comprising of it, exists…
