Long live the Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutionary Front

“Lightning never travels in straight repetitive lines. It breaks out
suddenly. Even an apparent ‘silence’ is not a retreat, but the calmness
before the storm…”


The imprisoned members of the R.O. CCF

A flame of solidarity from the C.C.F. to the brothers and sisters in Chile

Forever free

Forever anarchists.

Long live the FAI / IRF

The imprisoned members C.C.F.
And the anarchist revolutionary Theofilos Mavropoulos

Monday, February 28, 2011


"Anyway, everything that happened before the trial, the transmissions of the legislation and the detainment conditions, had made clear to us that we are not dealing with a legal procedure, but that justice was activating as a means of war. In reality what they were interested in was to exterminate us politically. And against this we could not defend ourselves with legal means, there we must act politically.”
Irmgard Moeller

On 17/1/2011 began the special court martial inside of koridallos prisons.
The juridical and executive authority, from the beginning of the procedure had made clear that they are not willing to leave their totalitarian leadership exposed to whoever dares to dispute it.

Their court martial, attempted to isolate its anti-regime enemies from the movement of solidarity that wanted to stand by them. It tried to depoliticize, demean, and amputate the reciprocating quality that characterises solidarity.

Besides the isolation that is attempted though, what stands more perceptible that ever is tomorrows penalization of comrade and friendly relations.

From the photocopying of the information and the retaining of the id cards of those who come to watch the procedure as a necessary condition in order to enter the court room, to the direct and vicious tactic of registering the comrades, with photographs that end up in the drawers of the D.A.E.E.B(Response Directorate of Special Crimes of Violence)

All this structures a strategic plan of the regime and capitalist mechanisms, that have as an objective the consolidation and acceptance of such conditions, aims clearly now at the spreading of a climate of terrorism on anyone who considers it to be necessary to stand in practice next to the political hostages.

The sector of justice is utilized following and imposing the orders of the public safety forces. The structure of co-dependant authorities states clearly the choice of the state mechanism, that attempts to exterminate legally, ethically but mainly politically the revolutionaries. This anti-revolutionary strategic completes a total of polemic that attempts to “cover up” the political opponents to succeed without obstacles our extermination.

The above condition acted as a catalyst for us to realize and co-value the necessity of a position which was going to secure us that one more regime blackmail would be received as forbidden from our side.

It was this specific condition where the 6 imprisoned defendants, after a discussion we had, we decided together, in full conscience and clarity on our choice. If the judges continue to insist on the establishing of this fascist measure, we would leave the procedure denying to legalize it, firing our advocates at the same time as well.

Until this fascist measure changes and the public character of this political trial is secured, we concluded that for us to return would be at least unseemly, so much towards ourselves, as towards the comrades who appeared in solidarity to support us.

For reasons of political consistency and to avoid ethical acceptance, we left the room through our advocates, as the present comrades realized.

At this point it would be important to make some clarifications concerning the total of the people who “participate” in this trial.

In this procedure we are individuals with different political positions, theoretical expansions, different defensive lines, different personal relationships.

In this trial there are two imprisoned members of the R.O. C.C.F., but also other prisoners who deny the charges attributed to us.

Despite this we all met demanding the obvious, discovering thus a community in the frames of solidarity and companionship.

The common decision we took, despite us being different individuals had a common denominator. The practical opposition and dispute to the body of the court.

It was not, neither a decision between members of the organization, but an agreement between people with a substance, conscience and integrity. It is an agreement based on the consistent and political sobriety, against the blackmail of this totalitarian regime.

This collective position means the definition of practical theoretical political bases, that divide the clear and responsible position from political chameleon-ism.
Because the “evidence” that involve me in this case is non-existent and the scenarios of the antiterrorist police arbitrary, it is a fact that if I appeared in the court room the percentage of success of my release would have been practically high and realistic.

There are things though that touch me to the bone and I am not willing to mortgage in a contract that would secure me a more favourable treatment by authority, because if I have room inside me for only one faith, it is for the struggle.

For me the consistency and continuity of the struggle, as well as my denial to appear in their court martial, is one more act for the readopting of the memory of the past, the consistency of the present and the dignity in the duration of the future.

My political positions do not allow me to succumb one more regime or “fighting” blackmail.

I do not retreat, meeting myself in the practice of revolutionary dispute.
I know that the state hunts its enemies like a raging dog. As a political prisoner though I have nothing to bargain.

I declare that I will not appear in their special court martial until this fascist measure changes.

If they are waiting for me to legalize the isolation of the political prisoners in court martials, but also the upcoming persecutions of comrades, I have one thing to say:


Whoever does not smile in front of the cliff, unfortunately has calculated the hight and inevitably has defined it.

Until we meet again, until the end, until liberation

Long live the subversive Struggle. Long live the Revolution.

Panagiotis Masouras

political prisoner
1st wing koridallos

February 2011

boubouras translations.          

Sunday, February 27, 2011


anonymous report (translation):

"Evil defenders of the system through the power of money and clubs and bullets.
Our weapon is fire that we create.
Because what happens is what is done and what is said even though it seems
unreal for those who do not want to see reality.
In the early morning hours of Wednesday the 2nd, one of our incendiary devices
partially burned an automobile on Lavallol and Santo Tome (Villa del Parque)
as firefighters rushed to the scene.
On the night of Thursday the 3rd something similar happened on Arregui and
Avenida Segurola (Monte Castro) when we burned a Lumina truck, but unfortunately the owners were awake and put it out quickly.
And in the early morning of Sunday the 6th we burned a 4x4 truck that was reduced to ashes at the intersection of Santo Tome and Avenida Nazca
(Villa del Parque) half a block from where the sheep enjoyed
their parade along the avenue.
Dedicated to eco-anarchists spreading the fire in Mexico, to the prisoners
Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Arturo Duran Gonzales in that country, to the
comrades imprisoned in Chile for the "bomb case," to Walter Bond currently
awaiting trial in the U.S. for the "Lone Wolf" ALF actions, and to the
anarchists imprisoned in Greece from the "Conspiracy Cells of Fire" who are
also facing trial.

Friends of the Earth"

"Ruines defensores del sistema por la fuerza del dinero a palos y balas.
Nuestra arma es el fuego que propagamos.
Porque lo que pasa es lo que se hace y lo que se dice auqnue no parezca
ser real para los que no quieren ver la realidad.
En la vacia madrugada del miercoles 2, uno de nuestros artefactos
incendiarios quemo parcialmente un automovil en Lavallol y Santo Tome
(Villa del Parque) ya que los bomberos acudieron rapido al lugar.
La noche del jueves 3 algo similar ocurrio en Arregui y Av. Segurola
(Monte Castro) cuando quemamos una camioneta tipo las Lumina pero
lamentablemente sus dueños estaban despiertos y lo apagaron rapidamente.
Y en la movida madrugada del domingo 6 provocamos la quema de una
camioneta 4x4 que quedo reducida a cenizas en la calle Santo Tome y Av.
Nazca (Villa del Parque) a media cuadra de donde los borregos disfrutaban
del corso por la avenida.
Dedicado a los propagadores del fuego eco-anarquistas en Mexico, a los
presos Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales y Braulio Arturo Duran Gonzales en ese
pais, a lxs compañerxs presxs en Chile por el "caso bombas", a Walter Bond
que espera su juicio en Estados Unidos por acciones del FLA "Lobo
Solitario", y a los anarquistas presos en Grecia de "Conspiracion de las
Celulas del Fuego" que tambien afrontan un juicio.
Amigxs de la Tierra"

"Early in the night of february 19 2011, under the light of full moon, we torched caterpillar bulldozer at the glade in Khimki forest north of Moscow, Russia.

       FROM: www.directaction.info/news_feb20_11.htm

reported anonymously:

"Early in the night of february 19 2011, under the light of full moon, we torched caterpillar bulldozer at the glade in Khimki forest north of Moscow, Russia. State and private capitals have merged in order to build the road through forest - we're making them pay for every tree they cut.

Fiery solidarity with Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Fratskevich, Ihar Alinevich and Maksim Vetkin - anarchists from Belarus (accused of various molotov cocktails attacks on state and capital offices), Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales and Braulio Arturo Duran from Mexico, Walter Bond ('ALF Lone Wolf') from USA, anarchists from Chili (Bomb Case), and those comrades persecuted in Greece for supposed membership in Conspiracy Cells of Fire."

Friday, February 25, 2011

on january 17th began the trial of the
r.o. conspiracy cells of fire.
as all trials
it copies a
theatrical play.
as a political trial though,
it imposes a grotesque scenery.
professional punishers with
the illusion that they are
delivering justice,
armies of terrorcops,
- democracy in grand cherokees –
 they secure the “public character”
of the acts,
slime of the media feed unstoppably
the terrorlust appetite of the tv audience.
circle of subvers

Attacks against Rabobank in Utrecht, by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Dutch Cell

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 2011 - setting the tower in fire and attacks on the website of Rabobank in Utrecht (Netherlands)
Final statement Conspiracy Cells of Fire, Dutch Cell
“The attacks on the fascists of Rabobank is dedicated with all our fire to our brothers of the prisoner’s cell of the members of Conspiracy Cells of Fire and the oppressed people of the world. Our comrades and the honest minority of dignified revolutionary Persons political and civil, are not just a piece of our struggle, are not only an aspect of our action, but their choices, attitudes and dignity are the struggle itself as a whole, they are the substance.

Attacks we are claiming:

• June 2010 - setting the tower in fire in Utrecht (Netherlands)
• October 2010 - setting the tower in fire in Utrecht (Netherlands)
• February 2011 - setting the tower in fire and attacks on the website of Rabobank in Utrecht (Netherlands)

Justice is a spider web, catching small prey and swallowing them, while allowing the big reptiles to penetrate and dominate it. Whoever disagrees can visit the prisons to see all these drug addicts and poor devils that fill them up and look around in there to find any businessman or politician who is responsible for the biggest robberies and the most brutal degradation of our lives.

We do not believe in a capitalist system that kills, steal, murder, bring modern fascism, bring racism, bring wars in to our lives. We do not believe in a system that helps banks for their mistakes, while people starving from hunger. We do not believe in a political fascist system that so called leaders of the people, and at the same time stealing from the same society for their interests.

Why Rabobank,

The fascists from Rabobank invest in the arms industry (the arms that they are investing is also going to the police, military in the Netherlands, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Libya, Algeria and other countries). Rabobank calls this justified action, and we also get Shell, ING, ABN-Amro, Randstad. All these mentioned fascists companies of the system are paramount in their view that they justify the action.

The attacks on Rabobank justify what we call action! Future attacks on Shell, ING, ABN-Amro, Randstad these companies are accountable!

In Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, the above mentioned companies and / or subsidiaries that have been attacked by splinter cells called the Fire. A truth that is not released by the representatives of the system. This shows our strong international solidarity.

We count Rabobank guilty for the dead of thousands of people, including children. Like the most fascist company’s, they are saying that they behavior justifying action when they are investing. Our action against the Rabobank is justifying action.

We are continuing our attacks and against the banks, executions of the so called government leaders of the Netherlands, against fascists party like PVV, VVD, CDA and the ass licking left parties.”

Conspiracy Cells of Fire, Dutch Cell

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We are experiencing all over greece a period which at the same time is one of the most critical moments and one of the biggest bets of the anarchist revolutionary movement. Sovereignty steps on the qualitative and quantitative raising of the benchmark of hostilities from our side, increasing more and more the intensity of repression. The arrests of comrades, the publication of photographs, the raids in houses, and the more general climate of diffuse fear that is attempted to be imposed are a piece of this counter-attack.
The penalization of friendly and comrade relations constitutes henceforth a guaranteed method of the juridical and police authorities. The anarchist comrades S.Antoniou, D. Michail and Ch. Politis are the latest on a list of individuals that are imprisoned, no for their action, but for their political perceptions and their friendly and comrade relations. A list to which the juridical authorities are also trying to add the anarchist comrade Fee Meyer, with the ridiculous argument for the “offence” of possession of texts from imprisoned revolutionaries.

In this climate began the trial of members of the organization together with individuals that are accused without evidence for participation in it. A trial which being the first in a line of other that will follow for cases of revolutionary action will determine on one level the behavior of the special courts towards the political prisoners, concerning the conditions of the upcoming trials. From the beginning of the procedure it became perceptible the effort of isolation and cutting off of the defendants from the comrades in solidarity via the blackmail of registering those who arrive to the courtroom.

Solidarity as a bidirectional relationship could not leave uninvolved the accused comrades in this decision of the court. Leaving the procedure and their refusal “to legalize” this registering with their presence there, constitute a decent and proud political attitude. A attitude that includes also the proportional cost to the comrades that are accused without evidence for heavy charges and are in danger to be judged in absentia. A fight that puts as a priority the relation of solidarity between the defendants and the comrades that arrive to the room of the special court in order to support them and give them strength.

This fight is given no for a precarious victory in this court, but in order to impose it as a vested to all the following political trials, the possibility of unhindered attendance of those in solidarity.

A fight that climaxes with the start of a hunger strike. What our revolutionary conscience commands us to do is stand next to our comrades and begin a hunger strike to support them.

First Gerasimos Tsakalos began on 3/2/2011 with the remainder of the comrades a hunger strike, and soon Michalis Nikolopoulos will begin as well, because of practical difficulties that are related with his very short time within the walls.

In this critical moment for the anarchist-revolutionary movement we answer with confronting attack. We do not take a step back. We declare our respect for the comrades that are accused in this trial and select the difficult path of the fight, their attitude raise the benchmark of revolutionary consistency. We send our warmest greetings to those that even under the pressure of difficult times continue acting in the direction of rupture with the diffuse dominating construction. To all the comrades and the organizations that corresponded through their acts and their texts to the call for a co-creation of the INFORMAL ANARCHIST FEDERATION – INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTIONARY NETWORK. We raise our fists through from inside the walls. And finally, we dedicate to the brothers of the Illegal Sector of our organization the paraphrased extract from Jan Marc Rouillian. “For a long time I remain there stiff as a rock, the head leaning, hands in the pockets, the memories bombard me, the ones from outside, those from our struggles… The friendship and the tenderness of those who fight embraced, are unleashed by our laughters and the untidy discussions to the morning. We are of course full of the absolute, of the intoxicating freedom of the undisciplined, but also from the hard certainty that we hold, at any cost, one of the last barricades before the crushing. And we laughed. We laughed always while oiling our guns, until goodbye, with an old cry of war, DARE TO FIGHT, DARE TO WIN…”




Michalis Nikolopoulos-Gerasimos Tsakalos

Members of the Prisoners Cell of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire


Friday, February 18, 2011

Switzerland - Communique by Silvia Guerini from Biel prison

FROM:   informa-azione

17.02.2011 - HUNGER STRIKE SOLIDARITY January 15-16-17
My answer to the "call for solidarity with the guerrillas of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, with the revolutionaries and the other indicted for the same case" in the trial that will begin January 17, 2011. This call that comes from Greece in a communique of the organization "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire." With this symbolic hunger strike for three days, January 15 to 17 all my closeness goes to all the fighters from Europe to Mexico, Argentina, Chile, the Amazon, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, India .... and all over the world.
Solidarity with the two comrades of the "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" and the other revolutionaries and anarchists on trial since Jan. 17 in Greece.
Repression, arrests, prisons and courts will never break the revolutionary spirit and tenacity, can never stop the many struggles undertaken in as many ways as possible within the same revolutionary universe.
Freedom to all political prisoners! These words of freedom cannot but make my thoughts go to all the animals locked in a cage, waiting for death and to become a piece of meat, turned into an object of production .... And subjected to torture, vivisectioned in research laboratories to test drugs, chemicals and each new harmful substance of this techno-scientific industrial system.
Against all anthropocentric logic, bearer of abuse of power and domination ....
Against every cage, for total liberation!
Let's spread solidarity through the continuity of the paths of the struggle, active and combative solidarity!

Silvia Guerini, Biel prison / Switzerland, January 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

UPDATE ON C.C.F. TRIAL 15/2/2011

The application of exception that was submitted by the four comrades of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire against the regular and surrogate judges was rejected today by the three-member Court of appeal of felonies of Athens, that sat today with a different composition.
The advocates of the three defendants (Emmanuel Giospas, Nikos Vogiatzakis and Errikos Rallis) who are free under conditions, as well as the lawyer of the imprisoned Alexandros Mitrousias repeated their demands against the members of the court, which they ascribe a series of procedural infringements for the decisions they have taken regarding the retaining of the identities of people that enter the court, in order to watch the trial, the non recording of the procedure, on the self appointed nomination of advocates of defence and the sending of the proceedings to the prosecutors office and the Lawyer's Association of Athens.
The court decided that no suspicions exist of partiality at the expense of the defendants from the regular and surrogate judges. Thus, the trial was adjourned until next Tuesday 22/2

Informal Anarchist Federation / Conspiracy of Cells of Fire-responsibility claim for the incendiary package send to the minister of justice in greece 2/2

I do not feel loss for my arrest…
I do not feel loss for the clandestinity …
I do not feel loss that I am imprisoned…
I do not feel loss for the Struggle that we conduct…

(Michalis Nikolopoulos member of the prisoned cell of C.C.F)

The real defeat in a war is not captivity in the hands of the enemy, but capitulation, loss of conscience, surrender, penitence, statements of loyalty. Because that is where the game of power is played, in the moral decline and depreciation of its dissident opponents. It wants to force rebels to bend, to kneel, to conciliate to make clear that “every struggle is lost, all resistance is useless” . However the only lost fight is the one that never began. Its commands are clear. “You must not think, you must not resist, you must not fight”. And where its rhetoric does not work, either with the illusion of consuming frenzy, or with the threat of the violence of truncheons, guns and tear gas, there are the judicial “clergies” and correctional establishments ready “to accommodate” the most undisciplined for an indefinite time. They also want to send this message “we decide and we give the orders” inside the special political martial court that is judging the case of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. 
 There is no need for somebody to be an anti-authoritarian in order to see the overt fascism that prevails in the special court of Koridalos prison. The refusal to  install microphones for the recording of the trial and the fact that the cops hold all the identities of the people who want to express their solidarity and stand next to the defendants are the “virtues” of the admirable world of democracy. Those that with their predatory appetites have “mortgaged” the life of an entire population, now speak about the “unsustainable cost of recording the trial” while simultaneously they are restoring in modern history the publication of new testimonial beliefs, by keeping the identities of the people that want to attend the trial, obviously in order to use them in no “innocent” way, but for the input of the Police and the Counter-terrorist department.
We will be brief.

The comrades of the cell of the imprisoned members of C.C.F and the dignified rebels P. Masouras and G. Karagianidis have highlighted the political and repressive policies of this trial a thousand times better than us.

The essential wager that is being played at this moment on the part of the anarchists, revolutionaries, those in solidarity and undisciplined is to not allow power to make one more step towards strengthening its coup d'etat. 
The cell of the imprisoned members of C.C.F and the dignified comrades placed a limit of life and dignity by beginning a HUNGER STRIKE on 3-2-2011. “This struggle is given, not for a precarious victory in this court, but in order for it to be imposed as an non-negotiable term in all the political trials that will follow, the possibility of the unhindered attendance by all the people who want to express their solidarity. A fight that comes to a peak with the start of the hunger strike”(Gerasimos Tsakalos- Michalis Nikolopoulos - members of the cell of prisoned members of C.C.F) The comrades turned the court of power into a victory not only for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire but also for the wider revolutionary front. Everything that happened and everything that will happen constitutes the new legacy of courts and prosecutions that the system is preparing for its political opponents.
Comrades…! in this court is being conducted one of the most important battles that goes far beyond the action and history of a revolutionary organization. The state “tests” the resistance and tolerance of the radical-subversive area.

Certain coincidences, such as the facility with which the police and the public prosecutors fill the TV screens and the front pages of the newspapers with photographs of suspects, where it is proved afterwards that these persons, such as the anarchist Fee Meyer or K.S. that was arrested as a suspect for a robbery in Thessaloniki and turn out to have no relation with these “charges” against them, are not accidental. (We add that for that particular robbery the anarchist Rami Surianos was arrested and for sure if he is innocent he deserves our solidarity, if guilty he deserve it a thousand times more). The new fashion of arrests of persons that are accused for unknown-anonymous terrorist groups, such as the case of the 6 and the arrest of the 4 comrades in Thessaloniki, is also not accidental.
This witticism of the unknown-anonymous terrorist tgroup, as anyone can understand, is an “elastic argument” that stretches and opens depending on the appetites and interests of power and the law enforcement authorities in order to justify the huge increase in future charges (special provisions of terrorism law). 

It was heard from the public prosecutor that in the case of F. Meyer “it is not reasonable to possess texts written by suspects for terrorism”. That is to say the possession of texts that are already published, that contain thoughts, concerns, proposals, regardless whether somebody agrees or not, is considered a punishable offence. Thus perhaps the season of the thought police is not far away. We must not forget that what gets used by the eye, gets used by the brain as well. Anyone can remember the reactions that existed to the first special court years ago for the R.O. 17November, and compare them with the present trial. Now the fact that special courts exist seems to be normal and only a few react (a fact that honours them).

Here exactly we must pass to the counter-attack. Exactly here we must stop getting used to retreating. Exactly here we must stop fearing the ghost of repression. The repression exists because action exists. Qualitative, quantitative and unrepentant action.
The imprisoned members of C.C.F. and the dignified comrades sparked something off. Our brothers from Thessaloniki of the case of the 4 together with G. Skoyloudis as well as Stelios and Panos Anastasiadis (the NADIR case) turned their solidarity into action by participating in the abstention from taking prison food. Here we want to add that the 4 comrades D. Dimtsiadis, D. Fessas, M. Tsilianidis, S. Tzifkas gave “lessons” in revolutionary dignity, disdaining and offending the judiciaries with their proud attitude as they did not give one word, refusing to recognize the process. We remind them that they are always in our thoughts and that the dangerous journey of revolution has not finished…
Now it is our time. We, “the free”, all of us, anarchists and revolutionaries that say that we refuse this world, that we are fighting for freedom, that we are demolishing their false god that is money because ours is the human being, will we leave our comrades alone? Will we tolerate the fascist delirium of this worthless president (of the court) and her collaborators that pronounce “death” sentences for the comrades that go on hunger strike?

There is no need for anyone to answer to himself with emotion. There is no space for emotion, or for humanitarian sympathies. It is a matter of a clear conscience. If the values and the moral code of persons that still believe in anarchy and her beauty, allows them to delay their attack and make up excuses, they should stay away from the affair We will not wait for them neither will history ….
Now or never there is a need for our most decisive step. We say again that here is being played a total wager from the side of power. The development and the way in which the court of C.C.F turns out will be the guide for the trials to come. What remains unanswered will be considered a defeat. Their wager is in our hand, to make it our opportunity. Because times can be hard, our brothers can risk their lives with the hunger strike, many comrades can be imprisoned in the cells of democracy, however it is always one more chance for attack, for the destruction of this system. Of course, the need for strategy is now more clear than never before. Lightning never travels in straight repetitive lines. It bursts out suddenly. Even a phenomenal “silence”, is not a retreat, but the silence before the thunder…

As a minimal expression of solidarity to the struggle of the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and the dignified comrades we sent an incendiary package to the minister of Justice X. Kastanidi who is responsible for the refusal of one of the two requirements of our comrades for the recording of the transcript of the trial. We will not answer his lies concerning the quantity of allegedly powerful explosives that he claimed for reasons of communication policy in order to present himself as victim. We will make do with repeating that the precautionary measures were the same as those of the previous 14 packets so that it is impossible for anyone uninvolved to be injured.

Moreover, we want to say a few things about the recent events in the Law faculty.
This is the season of murderers. When the walls of a building have more value than 300 tortured souls, then it is sure that something is not going well. We have spoken about the contradictions of immigrants in a previous text, however when the majority of Greek society cares more about the windows and doors of a building, then do not search for criminals and murderers in the thieves and the desperate. Look around you, they speak the Greek language fluently and some go around in expensive cars wearing ties. Because you should know that when somebody is cruel in words, it rarely stops there ..

Finally we declare that from now the illegal sector of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire will also participate in the International Revolutionary Front - Informal Anarchist Federation. The explosive expression of solidarity at international level for the trial of C.C.F. and also the publications that put organizations such as the FLT-FLA (Mexico) and Praxedis G. Guerrero in their texts, we consider that they initiate powerful bases for the opening of a revolutionary dialogue through action, but also proposals of co-ordination.
We send therefore the most powerful revolutionary greeting to the comrades revolutionaries in all the world with the belief that our voices and action can meet and coordinate our total attack against power. 

The sabotages in Turkey and the attacks of the informal cells of insurrection, the attacks in Chile, the letters with bullets in Madrid and Barcelona, the paint bombs on the Greek embassy in Austria, the arson of courts in Switzerland, the acts of solidarity in Poland, in Bristol, in London, but also in other places- heart of the capitalistic civilization (sources of counter - information culmine, viva la anarquia, act for freedom, 325, safa.espiv e.t.c.) fill us with strength and courage in order to continue. And not only, but also in order to commit through our participation in the Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front that the quiet days are over for ever.

At the same moment the internal enemy in Greece, is developing, becoming more effective and is organizing for its confrontation with the system. The attacks of the International Revolutionary Front - Deviant Behaviour for the spread of revolutionary terrorism, Informal Anarchist Federation - Cell of Aggressive Line, Informal Anarchist Federation - Cell of Revolutionary Solidarity, Warriors of Revolutionary Conscience, commando Lambros Fountas, revolutionary formations for the spread of chaos and other comrades, show that the prospect of international networking in the formation of the Informal Anarchist Federation and its values is effective here and now. Now every anarchist group can participate in this open platform of action and thought, contributing with its own way in its development and co-ordination. Also we send our warm solidarity to the anarchists Monica Caballero and Andrea Urzua Cid who are to be found in the women's prisons of Chile and to all the arrested for the bombs - case, to the anarchists Adrian Magdaleno and Braulio Arturo Duran (jailed in Mexico), to our brother Gabriel Pombo Da Silva in prison of Germany and to Billy, Costa, Silvia, M. Camenich (prisons of Switzerland).

Finally we embrace our own people, Michalis, Gerasimos, Panagiotis, Xaris, Takis, we grit our teeth and give them this promise and commitment:
As long as the sun rises from the east we will not stop fighting for your release even for a moment, to be all together again in the most beautiful plans that we left unfinished in order to fulfil the most wild and “mad” adventure of revolution. Our day will come...
We dedicate you these few words to you...

Love danger. What hardre? That is what I want.
Which road will you take? The most rugged uphill.
Love responsibility
Do not look for friends, look for comrades.
Do not ask “will we win?”... “will we be defeated?”... just FIGHT...”

Illegal sector
Informal Anarchist Federation / Conspiracy of Cells of Fire


Monday, February 14, 2011


This morning, the three defendants that are free on bail, Emmanuel G., N. Vogiatsakis. and E. Rallis., and Mitrousias A., on remand, went to court and their lawyers requested that the judges (who listened with expressions of disbelief on their faces) of the three-member Appeals Court be revoked, because, they said, there are suspicions of bias on their part.
Representatives of the Piraeus Bar Association today went to the trial of those accused of CCF to intervene, following the events of last Wednesday. The PBA sent representatives of the association to see for themselves the conditions under which the trial is proceeding and possibly to make a complaint. The delegation announced this to the court through defence lawyer K. Papadakis, as a form of pressure on the judges. They charged them with procedural violations and the decision to withhold the identity of persons entering the courtroom to watch the trial and for not recording the proceedings, for their appointment of defence lawyers and sending the notes of the proceedings to the Prosecutors Office and the Athens lawyers association. The application for exemption does not involve Constantina Karakatsani, as she has retained her initial lawyers . The trial was adjourned to next Tuesday to consider the lawyers' request to revoke the judges.
The trial will resume Tuesday February 15

Saturday, February 12, 2011


This text is written as a statement to announce the end of the hunger strike that we had begun on Thursday 3-2-2011. We know that such type of actions and forms of struggle leave their prints on the history of the revolutionary subversive movement, and hence have a public character and are exposed to any criticism. Taking into consideration, therefore, that we are stopping the strike before our demand is satisfied and at a very short time after the start our mobilisation, we decided to make a public statement carrying out an assessment of our mobilization from the beginning of our trial until now.

All through the duration of the last week before our trial, the Media propagated the climate of safety in a characteristic way, so it can be understood that it is very likely for the trial to be carried out behind closed doors and with no audience, in the frames of a more general effort to isolate political prisoners. When this information reached us we began to discuss seriously this probability and the way we would react if this became a reality. Easily we decided that we would not accept in any case to carry out the trial in this way and that we would do anything in our power to prevent it.

Monday the 17th of January found us in the court room to learn that although the entry for the public is free, they kept and photocopied the id cards of those who wished to enter. After the aggressive mention of this matter in the court, the judges agreed to not keep the id cards and it declared that all evidence that has been retained will be destroyed. After their return, from a small break lasting a few minutes, where they obviously received certain orders from their political superiors, they declared that is legal and imposed the retaining of the id cards, mentioning the regulations that prevail on prison buildings. After the intense reaction in which the people who were present in the room for solidarity participated, obviously having only given their id in order to support us, we withdrew declaring that we and our lawyers will abstain from the process in the event that this fascist practice of the court continues.

In the detention rooms where all six of us were, we were informed by our lawyers that there is a possibility that they could try us in absentia. Simultaneously, our three co-defendants Manos Giospas, Nikos Bogiatzakis, Errikos Rallis, with whom until then we had any communication, said to us that they support no matter what our choice and will follow our decision. In a discussion that we had between us six, we put down the possibilities that we faced and we decided soberly and consciously that provided that our demand is not satisfied we will cease our lawyers and we will withdraw. We were even preparing a statement that would be announced by us, specifically for this case. In this agreement participated only under terms Alexandros Mitrousias, which he had made clear to us that he will return to the trial, even if just one individual with his/hers presence legalizes the process.

The process was adjourned for Monday 24-1-2011, where one of us read our public statement that in the event that they do not withdraw the regime of terrorism against friends and relatives who come in solidarity, we will act as we had warned, while we began the same day to deny prison food that will escalate to a hunger strike if the trial advances with appointed advocates without us. Only Konstandina Karakatsani, even though she ensured that she continued to agree with the prospect of withdrawing from the trial, she did not jointly sign the statement, with the excuse that she did not help shape it and that she wishes to make a separate statement. A statement, however, that never happened, something that was later used by her as an argument of not agreement. The truth, however, is that clearly and categorically she had agreed with the statement that was read on behalf of all of us by Panagiotis Argirou that we withdraw from the trial and cease our advocates. As they know all that were present, we withdrew all willingly, amidst chants from those in solidarity. What followed was the repeated appointment of lawyers from the court, of which some did not even arrive, and others invoked from personal matters to ethical reasons in order to not undertake our defence. Until the court decided that it should again and by blackmailing appoint the advocates of our initial choice, obviously in order to give a new turn to the process that up to then seemed to be coming to a dead-end.

Therefore on 3-2-2011 which was the day where our lawyers would deny the appointment by the court, we announced the beginning of the hunger strike, in order that the demands that we had placed are satisfied. Later the same day, astonished we learned from the tv channels that the lawyers of Konstadina Karakatsani declared that they were never ceased by their client, and that she was removed handcuffed and violently. The next day we learned also that she was present herself with similar arguments asking for the adjournment the of trial so that she can be represented by her own lawyers. The biggest still surprise was one more text that she published also in which she publicly declared that she had never agreed with us to withdraw from the trial together, while it even left points of disagreement in our choice to go on hunger strike for the particular matter.

We on our side consider the attitude of the prisoner in question at least unreliable. When a person and especially an anarchist makes agreements they should keep their word, particularly when these agreements involve consequences, not only for them, but also for the rest as well. The regression of Konstandina Karakatsani legalized the decision of the court to register the people and gave it the power to try the rest of the defendants in absentia. The most enraging is that she tried to wrap this regression with a political cloak and did not at least have the sincerity to admit that she could not bear the weight of our common agreement. Her own attitude is moreover that split a fighting front against a court in which we could have achieved an important victory.

From our side certainly the conclusion of the fight we gave filled us with experiences and conclusions. Self-criticism is a weapon for every revolutionary and in this frame we recognize our error to support the whole process on a agreement that was not based on a common prospect, since all of us as disparate individuals with different starting lines of struggle, political attitudes, convictions and perceptions, each one of us gave it a separate meaning, creating thus a construction of which the base was relatively unstable. Of course, a mistake, however, was also the fact that we relied on the wrong individual the moment where a lot was jeopardized for each one us. No matter what, this development caused the rupture of an agreement that henceforth hung dangerously in the middle of a hunger strike. Since also Alexandros Mitrousias decided to act as he had clarified from the beginning, it was a given that no requirements can exist for our three co-defendants, the moment they are free under conditions and this we believe that can be perceived by anyone. The position of these individuals was that they will also support an uncatchable front of fight, from the moment this was cracked there is no reason for them not to return to the trial.

As for us, we think that the means of a hunger strike under the condition of attendance to the court of half or more of the defendants is rendered ineffectual. We are revolutionaries and not martyrs. The hunger strike is a means of which the historicity and the effectiveness is not to be doubted. Nevertheless considering that the balances were reversed against us, its continuation does not even appear potentially expedient, but on the contrary and an end in itself.
Thus we select today 11-2-2011 to end the hunger strike, even though our demands have not yet been satisfied. On the other side, we are not in any way going to accept this court and the way it develops. As revolutionaries we will not tolerate any blackmails they attempt to impose on us, and we do not have anything to negotiate with their special court martial. If they judge us in absentia they should know that we have condemned them beforehand. We consider that the position of the state mechanism is indicative of its intentions. The matter, however, is not that we show its intolerance or its arbitrariness. On the contrary, we perceive our attitude as a condition of political victory against the juridical authority, that believed that it could minimize us with its norms and orders, trying to accomplish thus the undermining of our struggle.

It is therefore rendered a necessity the evident and vigorous choice against an totalitarian regime that is continuously becoming more fascist. The strategy of isolation of political prisoners does not aim only to bury them in the democratic dungeons, neither to defame and discredit them through the channels that feed the enormous volume of informative waste that they feed us. It aims to their complete isolation from any live expression of solidarity, in order to brake them away from any connection with the components of the wider revolutionary movement. One such effort of isolation is finally also the stiff attitude to check and file those who dare to appear at our trial as the minimal price that they should pay in order to express their solidarity. A price that all know that could be paid dearly in the future, given that the fury of the persecutory authorities and the vengeance of repression that has already derailed and easily are translated into mass prosecutions and imprisonment.

The uncontrollable penalization of comrade, friendly and family relations, the elasticity of the official charges, the continuous upgrades of the anti-terrorist law, the photographs of comrades that are all over the televisions and newspapers, are only a few of the many things that have happened and will continue happening. The recording, finally, of the identification of those who come in solidarity is for us nothing other, than one more spear of repression that continues to intensify.
Thus, what we declare clearly and publicly is that as long as our comrades have no place in this trial, then surely neither do we.

We raise our clenched fist through the bars to all the comrades from Greece and abroad, that acted in solidarity on the platform of the multiform subversive struggle. We thank, also, all those that selected publicly to express their solidarity to our struggle, going on prison food abstention. They factually proved that even in conditions of imprisonment the margins to fight and show solidarity never grow thin. Because dignity and conscience never wear chains…


Haris Hadjimihelakis
Panagiotis Argirou
Panagiotis Masouras
Giorgos Karagiannidis

Our Lives of Burning Vision – About the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire & more


Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras present a 68 page publication about the most recent situations and events connected with the Revolutionary Organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and their 17 January International Solidarity Call for an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global).

Free PDF – Paper copies available in single copies or bundles (10x = £20 + postage) from 325.nostate.net or from the radical distros which carry 325 magazine. Benefit for CCF prisoners and accused of the same case – Nonprofit.

“In the chaos of our own existence we are a part of the imponderable element which organizes subversion, plans mutinies, that leave even ourselves dazed. The translation of texts, letters, communiqués, etc. so that comrades in other countries around the world can read about the desires and ideas and projectuality of the comrades in Greece, is one more weapon at our disposal. What began as a simple desire and a challenge, has brought us into a new field of experiences, acquaintances and responsibilities. Now that we’re here, they will not get rid of us easily.
We have become another aspect of the asymmetric threat. The war to the end, has already begun. …”

This is why, as individuals with our actions and solidarity, we will continue with all means possible as anarchist revolutionary insurrectionalists, to express our thoughts and desires, whether it’s through the letters-texts of our fighting comrades who are hostages in the hell-holes of Greek democracy or through the actions of the comrades outside in the streets day and night with all means untilsocial liberation for Anarchy.

Actforfreedomnow - Boubouras

March 2011
From the introduction by Actforfreedomnow – Bourbouras.

A huge storm of revolt raged through the streets of Greece in December 2008. After the 15 year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered in coldblood by a cop, riots spread throughout the whole country for several weeks. Hundreds of corporate and government targets were attacked, plundered and set on fire. Although it was anarchists and anti-authoritarians who took the lead in this storm during the first week after the murder, it spread itself fast and many people got involved in this revolt against miserable living conditions, against the authorities and against the hopelessness offered by this world to the exploited and oppressed. But the revolt didn’t cease at the end of 2008, neither did it start on the day of the murder. The attacks against the structures of State and Capital went on and spread to several smaller towns in Greece.

About 180 fire attacks and, since a couple of months, artisan [‘homemade’] bombing attacks were carried out under the name of ‘Conspiracy of Cells of Fire’. The attacks targeted banks, car dealers, shopping centres, governmental institutions, police stations, offices of political parties, houses of politicians, judges, criminologists, journalists, private security firms and companies building prisons,… and always accompanied by elegantly critical and nihilistic claims of anarchist responsibility.

The claims did not only criticize Capital, State and Authority (in all of their aspects), but also the resignation of the exploited, their herd mentality, their collaboration with the system. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) refuse to regard oppression and exploitation as simply being imposed by batons and blackmail, but understand it as a social relation in which all have their responsibility –and make or don’t make the choice to fight against it.

In September 2009 extensive anti-terror raids attempted to strike the CCF, these raids became one more political tool to attack the wider anarchist & anti-authoritarian movement, a situation which intensified when two members of the CCF were captured during an operation in November 2010, Athens. Against the ongoing legalistic kidnapping of our comrades and for the escalation of struggle for total liberation, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Illegal Sector called for an informal global project based on anarchist subversion, direct action and international solidarity. These papers document some of the many communiques, letters and legal & court updates concerning the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, the accused comrades of the same case, plus solidarity actions resulting from the call for a formation of an Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front.

Whilst this publication can of course only offer a partial view upon the situation and topics, it is produced in the spirit of rebellion which fuels the total war against domination. It is an unfinished document that seeks collaboration through acts of refusal. The international call which has been circulated for the subversive formation of an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global), which is based on the principles of international solidarity, permanent subversion and constant conflict should be discussed, debated and acted upon without delay.

Dedicated to:






Anonymous Editions / Anti-Copyright Network
March 2011 / NET-DIY



Solidarity to all those persecuted for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case who are on trial since 17/1 in Koridallos prisons(greece)

“Paths change, times change,

Ways change, but the aim is the same.

This is our fate, to fight and resist.

To fight and fall down, to fall down and win.”

Solidarity to all those persecuted

for the Conspiracy Cells of Fire case

who are on trial since 17/1 in Koridallos prisons


"Reventando lo existente. Reflexiones del combate minoritario" – Book in Spanish about the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Libro. Reventando lo existente,reflexiones del combate minoritario: Conspiración de Células del Fuego. Grecia.

In view of the trial that began on January 17 and for a better dissemination of ideas of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, a book is being published in Spanish, first in digital pdf format.

The book is called "Reventando lo existente. Reflexiones del combate minoritario"

(Destroying the existent. Reflections on minority struggle) and contains a chronology of the Halandri case, all the statements ofthe prisoners (Massouras, Hadtzimihelakis, Karakatsani, Tsakalos,Argirou), the chapter "Critique and contributions" (the statement

"The interpretations they give, time to talk about their aspirations," chapters 3 and 4 of the brochure "Conspiracy Theories ", thetext of G. Voutsis Vogiatzis
pages from "The Diary of a bomber" and the letter that Poly Georgiadis wrote to the Conspiracy ofCells of Fire) and all communiques and texts of the Conspiracy.

The back cover carries a famous phrase of the English poet
William Blake: He who desires but, actsnot, breeds pestilence."

our revolutionary solidarity comrades!
translate actforfreedomnow!

Mad arson attacks for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Athens, Greece

The communique spontaneously combusted shortly after appearing:

“Saturday night 15/1 and Sunday 16/1 we torched:
- bank of Proton Bank in Vironas area
- Local organization of PASOK (ruling party) in Moshato,
- Two vehicles of a security company in Gizi,
- Personal motorbike of a cop who lives in Exarchia (Asimaki Fotila street).

We dedicate these actions to our imprisoned comrades accused in the case of the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and tried as of today in the political court marshal in Koridallos prison. Three of those have taken the political responsibility for the organization, while the others deny their participation, but keep intact their rebelliousness and dignity. We pledge that we will not leave any imprisoned revolutionary alone. These violent acts of resistance are not only fair, but also the duty of every person who puts themselves against a world where exploitation and injustice reign and money is in charge. The individual agreements and disagreements are to be discussed; what is non-negotiable is: solidarity between individuals and groups who are fighting for freedom in every way and with any means. Also, towards the new treaty that criminalizes social, political and personal relationships (like in the case of the notorious “safehouse” of Halandri, but recently the case of the four comrades wanted for arson in Thessaloniki), we respond with even more rage and anger, more litres of petrol and butane bottles. Of course, we do not forget the famously disgusting minions of the system, the journalists, who for a salary and a career, mock and step on the freedom and the dignity of our comrades, repeating the lies of the police and presenting various scenarios of their imagination; to try, condemn and destroy lives and reputations, before “civil justice” does it officially. They should know that on this side of the war, memory and honour is in excess, and sooner or later they will pay for the dirty role they have chosen in life.

Finally, we want to say that we chose to act on this theoretically “tough” weekend before the beginning of the trial, when the police have unleashed their obvious and also hidden running dogs, in fear of a new armed attack, to break in this way the terror and fear that the State attempts to impose on society and on people who are fighting. As long as the State is unable to mend the holes of a system that’s collapsing, the noose will tighten and the measures will intensify. We must stand strong and act with all our power, until the Revolution and Liberation, social and individual.

Freedom to H.Hadjimihelakis, P. Argirou, G.Tsakalos who have taken the political responsibility for the “Conspiracy Cells of Fire” and P.Massouras, K.Karakatsani, A.Mitrousias, G.Karagiannidis who are imprisoned for the same case.

Solidarity to all imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries.
Struggle by any means – Revolution First and Always.

Wolves of Solidarity”

Bombing at police station in Mexico State

Bombing at police station in Mexico State
Direct solidarity with Panayiotis Argyrou, Gerasimos Tsakalos, and the others charged with being members of the Fire Cells Conspiracy in Greece, who are now on hunger strike: Antisocial, nihilist, and anarchist until the end! —Earth Liberation Front (Informal Anarchist Federation/Global Network) clik n foto to read...

solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011


Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK)
Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)

Attack in Bristol for Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (UK)
“In the early morning of 17 January, two telecommunications utilities vehicles, of British Telecom, were set on fire in Bristol.This attack was made in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and all those who are fighting inside and outside the prison walls.We denounce the trial against the accused and imprisoned of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We denounce all trials, refusing to recognise the authority of the State and its judicial apparatus.

We send comradely greetings to the imprisoned cell of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and say that we recognise ourselves, our actions and our ideas in a common project of destruction.We salute all rebellious and revolutionary prisoners and all people rising up against capitalism and the State.

Long Live Anarchy!

For an international informal anarchist federation. “
17 January Group

Arson of security vehicle in solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Bristol (UK) 15 January 2011

“Early hours of saturday morning security and surveillance van set on fire in solidarity with members of conspiracy cells of fire group who face trial in Greece on monday the 17th.”

Solidarity with Cells of Fire

solidarity attacks for the greek comrades in trial for the connspiracy of Cells of Fire case.2011

London UK - Solidarity attack on Barclays Bank, Dulwich FROM www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2011/01/472295.html17 January 2011 - Solidarity attack. Barclays Bank, Dulwich, London got a visit early this morning just after midnight - a gift - can of petrol - left at the entrance - in flames - a small attack on the banking system -
in solidarity to the Greek comrades in court today 17 January for the start of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire trial.

midnight express

İstanbul, Turkey (16.01.2011) - In the night of 16th of January 2011 at 7 p.m. against the biggest one of the shopping centers in Istanbul, Cevahir AVM, there was an attack with fireworks.

The 4 of the exploded 7 fireworks hit the entrance and the windows of shopping center. While fireworks begin to explode, there had been no injury except a little bit panic.

While the banks, shopping centers, fasfoods and other part of the consuming culture reduce imagination and free time to shit and debt, while our planet began to unliveable because of the consumption and commodification, we see a little art-sabotage not inappropriate.

The actions that we took like this is for solidarity with our comrades who are now in hostages in Greece dungeons and with Conspiracy Cells of Fire.

Insurrectionary greetings


Source: http://istanbul.indymedia.org/news/2011/01/270789.php
